Anyone who joined here in the last 6 months post here

by WT=watchtrouble 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • XOCO

    September 2007 glad 2 b here!


  • Dogaradodya
    I am not asking for Miracles.

    I joined about a month ago, I think, and want to be a Jedi in a swoop.

    WanderingSoul, this is a miracle:

  • RisingEagle

    I joined August 4, 2007 which means I just missed the 6 month mark and I don't have to post on this thread.

    **Wait, what?**

  • Princess Daisy Boo
    Princess Daisy Boo

    I started posting mid 2007.

    I had come across the site before, but felt too guilty to join, even though I hadn't been to a meeting for years (again - brain washing at its best!!!)

    Now, thanks to JWD, I have realised that I am not alone in my feelings (even though most of you are thousands of miles away) and I am feeling more and more at peace with myself and my decisions every day!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    First post July, 2007 or thereabouts. Lurker since about 2001. Even though I don't post too often, I read DAILY! I think this takes the place of the meetings I used to be addicted to.

    Now that I look at it all from the outside, it really smells like CULT. It does feel great to be mentally FREE, if not physically (family still in). I think the floodgates will soon be opening and the 'little one' will become a THOUSAND here at JWD...

  • Uncertain

    September, but I was never dunked so you may not want to count me. I quit the studying until they can show me scripture on why I can't take communion. Still waiting. I think new light will shine soon.

    I just found out that my nondenominational church is planning a course on understanding Witts and Mormons and would like my material. I may save my NWT but I'll be glad to offer up the rest. I'll suggest they spend some time on this site as well.

  • TheDoctor

    Started posting withing the last 2 weeks.

  • jc1985

    November 07

  • AddaGirl

    Hi, I'm AddaGirl, and as a bible study student, I came here looking for answers this month.

  • cognac

    Hi, I'm here.

    Hypnotic joined to, but hasn't been back since she posted. but, anywho, she's leaving the borg with me...

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