this was in the 70s , im sure the kids parents wud have been delighted , what a "bad witness" they could have been "stumbled" did any of you do that? it is so sad that it wase ven put in a 5 year olds head
i knew a dub that used to tell her classmates that they would be destroyed
by looloo 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I don't remember telling any of my friends/classmates that they would be destroyed, but do remember it always being put in my head that they are worldly people that do not have gods favor and will be destroyed. Kids are honest and repeat what they hear though. I'm sure that was a good witness for the parents to hear that their children are being told that! I remember when I had a worldly boyfriend, my best friend at the time, telling me to view him as a corpse, because that is what he will be, dead at armegadon.
There was a little witness girl in my daughter's first grade class (about 1992) that would chase kids around the playground shouting, "You're going to die at Armageddon."
Even with the limited social skills I had as a schoolchild, I knew better than to tell kids they'd die at Armageddon. I knew the other kids didn't want to hear that kind of stuff.
I grew up during the 1975 hysteria. I graduated high school in 1975, There was one family that was really gun ho on 1975 and judged others spirituality based upon how much they believed in 1975.
There were some of their kids going to school around that time and they used every opportunity to tell others that the world was to end in 1975. All of those kids are now in their 50s and the father has since died. What a wasted life.
Looloo- I agree with Babygirl 75, if parents heard their children were being threatened like that, especially these days where everybody is knee jerk reactionary to things , parents would probably go to the teachers or principals at schools asking the witness kids parents to be talked to . And rightly so ! Really scary to hear a kid at 5 threaten people with destruction ! Like a scene out of a bad horror movie ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I am embarassed to say I did that as a little kid. I think it was Grade 2 or 3 and some kids were picking on my brother and I for being witnesses. As we were so bravely running away (per my mother's strict orders "If you fight Jehovah will be angry and you won't be in paradise") I apparently turned around and hollered that God is going to kill them all for persecuting us.
We went home and really thought nothing of it until the phone started rining from parents very pissed that I had cursed them to damnation. A few of the kids were a little shaken. I was told that while I was right, it just isn't a good thing to tell them in that way. Yeah my parents (mother mostly) were JW kooks.
<hanging head in shame>
some kids were picking on my brother and I for being witnesses. As we were so bravely running away (per my mother's strict orders "If you fight Jehovah will be angry and you won't be in paradise") I apparently turned around and hollered that God is going to kill them all for persecuting us.
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! Mom telling you not to fight, and the kids teasing you for your religion. I think your reaction was might have seemed to be the only way to get the mean kids to stop, or at least just to let off some steam.
One of my friends little daughters used to tell her class mates in kindergarden that they were going to die at Armageddon. The mother was called to see the principal as it was upsetting the kids so much.
I just found out this year that a family member had a jw as friend when she was little (90's) and the little girl used to tell her she would die at the big A. She had no clue what the hell she was talking about. Here the little jw girl was apparently trying to 'witness' but made no sense at all to this non jw child. The jw child turned into a social outcast and they didn't have much contact with each other as they grew up. Gosh, she had a hard time keeping friends because she kept telling everybody they would die, go figure!