We built one in Broward Fl back in the 80's. The thing is a "temple" all right. Was 'sposed to cost about $5-7 M -god only knows how they kept the books- this thing had to go $10M even with the "free" labor.
They had kids working in confined spaces, on the 3 story roof etc. Damn lucky sombody didnt get killed. Hand digging ditches for pipes, mechanical systems in petrified coral. Lotsa dumb stuff that a professional construction manager would'nt allow. Lotsa wasted capital dollars. Old folks and working stiffs donated every buck- what a waste.
I did electrical work on the site about 30 hours a weekend for over a year. This building had a complex electrical system (and few quailfied workers) I spent most of the time supervising unskilled people (then spending half the night making corrections) I guess it taught me how to be a diplomat.
Somebody donated a stainless steel kitchen- state of the art- now waiting to go the the scrapper. We probably did over $ 500K just in mechanical and electrical for food service and It was used maybe 6 times before the "new" food service kicked in.
Story has it that the architect was a "new brother". He donated his services in designing this hall, lotsa great expensive features. Story has it that some of the GB/home office types gave council about how showy the place was.
The "construction manager" ended up gettin a "promotion". Last I heard he was the manager at the Jersey City, NJ assembly hall, named Fayad (?), ran into him when we visited there in 90 or so. He was a pant load. Got into it with him one day - he expected us to work on ladders all day, installing heavy light fixtures working bare- footed cause HE had ordered the carpet installed early. Pulled about 20 electricians of the job because he wanted us to work under unsafe conditions. I won the battle, but got a little reamed for being "vocal". The same guy had some folks install about 400 sheets of drywall brown side out (backwards) on walls that didnt have electric and plumbing installed yet. That was at least a $2K Oh Sh*t. His logic, " we had willing Brothers here with NOTHING to do!" So have 'em waste a bunch of sweat and materials. What a crock!
Was installing some HVAC control work in a rooftop "penthouse". It was about 150* degrees up there so I had shed my shirt. I was working alone most of the day up there. Stepped out to the nearest water keg and good ol' Bro Nitwit jumped my case about "modesty and going shirtless and how young girls.... (if you've seen me without a shirt you'd be LYAO). I told him to get bent. He's all flusterd now and starts to go into "banning me from the site..bad.attitude..greive the Holey spirit...." So I ask him if HE can finish the HVAC work and keep the project on schedule- now I'm indespensible!
Oh well Live and Learn
edited cause I forgot something.....