I wonder if someone who had never been to a Kingdom Hall would think this is funny
Microphone Man
by startingover 16 Replies latest jw friends
Role models of the WT!
Every boys greatest ambition since college is off limits!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Forwarding to some Ministerial Servants, even as we chat. LOL.
Good one S/O
If only they alllowed that, it would be a reason to stay awake during those torturous meetings.
I bet that, if we actually did that once in the real Kingdumb Hell, Brother Hounder would be waiting for us once the boasting session ended.
I would like to have seen the mic get dropped and busted. That is a good $500 out of the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund to get another one. Of course, they put those donations ahead of local needs.
I know that was probably done by witnesses, but it was kind of cute. I love where he jumped over the lady and where he tossed his pen to adjust the mic for the latina sister.
Alligator Wisdom
Funny and cute.
Only those who have been in a Kingdom Hall would know.
Something makes me think that this might make the rounds in e-mails among JWs.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
Alligator Wisdom
Funny and cute.
Only those who have been in a Kingdom Hall would know.
Something makes me think that this might make the rounds in e-mails among JWs.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)
very funny and well done!
I have never been to a kingdom hall.....and yes ...that WAS extremely funny!!!