If Im NOT JW, what can I be?

by Sirona 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi All

    I have a JW friend who said to me "I'd be interested to know if there are any other religions that teach what JWs teach"

    After the post on "food for thought" which gave details of Modern Day bible students, I thought I'd ask the question:

    What religions are there that either have similar roots to the JW religion, or that have similar teachings? Of course Im referring to those that are not considered controlling cults.

    Most JWs say "theres no other true religion" or "if Im not JW, where can I go?" so dont you think we should collect details of other alternatives that seem palatable to them?...just to try and show them that not all other religions can be condemned as evil and thereby tempt them to leave JW?

    help? I'd like to say to my friend "well actually you could go to (name of religion)"


  • slipnslidemaster

    You know Sirona I was thinking that the other day. Good idea. I can't wait to see what pops up on the board here.

    Slipnslidemaster:"The average person thinks he isn't."
    - Father Larry Lorenzoni

  • Abaddon

    I see your point exactly, and seemingly offering sane, non-high control versions of JW beliefs is a possible path.

    Unfortunately, many (Bible Students and Free Christians) would be identified as apostate religions, as they are comprised of many xJW's as far as I can make out. Others (International Church of God I think, Pentecostals) can be as bad as far as the 'high control' thing goes, although the Church of God has reformed somewhat.

    And consider; if you were a Heroin addict, would recommending Crack Cocaine to you be a good thing to do?

    It is not your job, my job, or anyone's job to offer alternatives. It is up to us to make people aware of the fact the Borg are bad for you, and are not a unique representative of god, or even that close to any reasonable interpretation of the Bible or reality in the 21st Century.

    If they act on that, it's their responsibility to find a way, to make decisions for themselves, to research and investigate.

    Not trying to sell them something makes our position STRONGER. That way all we are offering people is freedom, freedom of choice...

    But, I can see exactly why it seems like a good idea, I'm not saying you are silly to think this or anything.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • NameWithheld

    I don't think you'll find one - it would have to be a carbon copy of the JWs, in which case why bother changing? All religions are the same - born of man, run by man, ruled by man. You just have to pick one and be happy or stay out of all of them and be happier.

    The problem is JWs are looking for absolute 'right' 'truth' whatever they want to label it and if you do more than a cursory exam of any religion it's easy to see the BS in it. They can't see the BS in their own religion because they don't want to. It can slap them in the face and they'd say 'Thank you sir may I have another'.

    So if they leave JWs they can either jump into another mind controlling cult if it sooths their brains, or they can get smart and make up their own minds about life. But most people prefer to have life's tough questions/problems sppon feed to them. The price for that spoon feeding is the relinquishing of your soul to a mega-corp.

  • serenaj92
  • Sirona

    Hi Abaddon,

    Its not like offering cocaine to a herion addict!

    Every JW I have spoken to about the society have even agreed with some of my points, but then retaliated with "so who IS the true religion?" some of them just need a little push to see that not all religions are trinitarian, not all preach hellfire, not all celebrate pagan holidays!

    Im basing it upon my own discoveries when leaving JW. I was actually shocked when I listened to a church leader tell me the exact same "christ as ransom" story (the whole fall of adam etc. thing), because JWs had told me NOONE else had that truth!

    I agree its not my job to offer alternatives, but if they ASK me for an alternative I dont want to sit there and say "er....dunno". I'd like to say "well such and such religion teaches belief in Jesus and they dont celebrate pagan holidays. they also know Gods name is Jehovah according to the Hebrew scriptures even though their bible doesnt have it all the way through. But they do let you use any bible you want..." etc. Which would make the average dub sit back and think, especially if they're already talking to an apostate like me!!

    Like I said, I wouldnt recommend that they go to another cult. If they ask me, I'd like to know of convincing alternatives. Im sick of listening to "noone else preaches Gods name", "everyone else is tainted by paganism".

    Ideas anyone?


  • Sirona

    Thank you serena, I will check that out. On first glance it is VERY similar to JW.


  • Liquidizer

    The problem with JW's is that they don't know very much about the other religions. If they don't themselves see any reason for changing their religion, we can't get them convinced.

    But I think that the Seventh Day Adventists are closest to JW's from the mainstream religions and the Bible Students from the minor ones.

    I personally started my search of a new spiritual home from the Bible Students (only a handful left in my country) after having left JW's. I do still occasionally help the local BS's in the translation work, mainly articles from The Herald magazine. But to me some teachings of Russell were too much to accept. And the same goes to the Pentecostals, Adventists, Lutherans (a state church in my country) and the local minor groups. Finally I found the Unitarian Universalist Association of Finland and joined them. We have only 10-20 active members here and our association is an ordinary one which is not registered as a religious community at the moment, and if the new bill on the religious freedom passes through in the Finnish parliament, it is very propable that it will remain so also in the future.


  • blondie

    Why don't you start your own like Charles Taze Russell did?

  • ashitaka

    Well, we all know that there is no 'true' religion, just a spiritual sense. Some people are like cattle and NEED to be herded along their spiritual evolution. I think that offering just a simple "that's a question only your heart can answer" is fine, because if they don't want to leave the mommies and daddies in the organization, they wont.

    Just reading various bibles and philosophies will help anyone get a general idea of how to search for spirituality. And, if they are fortunate enough to find their 'true' religion, we can only hope it's one that encourages tolorance and an open mind. But, usually the swirling questions of fate, chance, death, afterlife, and love will make someone realize that no org. ruled my men, and all led by different gods, could possibly have the answers.


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