I thought the main thing with the blood issue was that it was to be viewed from God's point of view. Not that it would be up to individual choice and conscience.
My point that I am trying to get to is this, HOW can a Jdub accept BLOOD FRACTIONS if they want to view blood in the same light as God would.
Am i making this clear? To me it is hypocritical if a witness would accept blood fractions, knowing full well that they must have been donated to a blood bank by someone giving blood who has no regard for God's view of blood. Also how many times must they have walked by a blood donation station and turned up their noses thinking "how horrible to think what goes on in that place!" All the work by well trained
To me the stand taken on this issue is wrong if they want to hold to the view that taking blood is wrong. How can they say that the main four parts are wrong to take but if you cut up those fourth parts into subsequent fourth parts etc it then becomes OK??
I think the reason for the HLC visits is to enforce this double standard viewpoint.