USA Should Declare Bankruptcy?

by sammielee24 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    Possible Solutions to eliminate the National Debt

    Tax all religious (and any other nonprofit) enties' properties and income not directly related to providing charitable missions that the government could do/does do (food, shelter, etc., the basics). Eliminate the tax exemption on anything having to do with religious services, prostelytism, etc. OK for religion to exist, just not at the taxpayer expense. (also serves to shut down the Borg..heh heh).... apply this new rule to federal, state, and local income and sales taxes.....might balance a lot of budgets, not just the US.....

    Quit giving so much money in foreign aid...take care of homeland needs first. A few well aimed bullets is better than a wide scattering of buckshot.

    Get out of Iraq. No excuses. Quit funding Haliburton executives retirements.

    just the meandering thoughts of someone without a degree in

    Snakes ()

  • 5go

    Possible Solutions to eliminate the National Debt

    Tax all religious (and any other nonprofit) enties' properties and income not directly related to providing charitable missions that the government could do/does do (food, shelter, etc., the basics). Eliminate the tax exemption on anything having to do with religious services, prostelytism, etc. OK for religion to exist, just not at the taxpayer expense. (also serves to shut down the Borg..heh heh).... apply this new rule to federal, state, and local income and sales taxes.....might balance a lot of budgets, not just the US.....

    Quit giving so much money in foreign aid...take care of homeland needs first. A few well aimed bullets is better than a wide scattering of buckshot.

    Get out of Iraq. No excuses. Quit funding Haliburton executives retirements.

    just the meandering thoughts of someone without a degree in

    Snakes ()

    I agree with all of that even the foreign aid were getting to close to needing it our selves.

  • PrimateDave

    I keep seeing references to foreign aid, like the US Gov is somehow writing welfare checks to poor individuals in Third World countries. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't "foreign aid" just a euphemism for Corporate Welfare/Subsidies? The US Gov allocates X number of million dollars to a foreign government which has to turn around and buy things from US Corporations like jet fighters and weapons, things which are usually used on insurgent groups in those countries. Some "foreign aid" is used to fund political groups in developing countries to get into power politicians that go along with the so-called Washington Consensus, another gift to US Corporations. So, isn't "foreign aid" just another way to channel public money into private wealth?

    As for doom and gloom, well, don't worry too much. Life will go on. Times may get difficult, and we may once again have to learn to form local economies, but overall things should happen gradually enough. We can take steps now to get ourselves in better financial shape by eliminating revolving credit and working out some form of savings plan. But the best investment of all is in personal skills and community.


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