What do you think my JW wife's friends think of my tattoos and earring? Do you think someone would have mentioned this to her? I'm a UBM.
Tattoos and earrings
by Shadow1 11 Replies latest jw friends
Well, your just a worldly guy so what else would they expect of you? Suppose your into sex,drugs and rock roll too huh? (just kidding)
They generally frown on tattoos and earrings on guys is a definite no-no. My jw who has a tat is extremely against tat's now!
I'm sure they think you are the anti-Christ!! But hopefully they have enough dignity to not say anything to your wife. My UBM has LONG hair, and a circle beard, wears a BIG wallet chain, and rides a Harley. People are scared of him. You sound like you could be one of our friends!
Wait I just realized, I'm an UBM now too. Apostate on top of that!
I doubt they'll have said anything to her. They'll probably have just judged you, and then talked about you behind their back.
Although you have to make allowances for different groups of people. For all I know, your wife's friends might be among the nicer members of the JW congregation! -
You are the debil
Thanks Momz...btw...I ride a Harley too!! Heritage Softail.
Us too. Gotta have a b*&^% seat for mama!
They might think it looks cool secretly but they would never admit it. I used to always be jealous of people with tattoos...
JW followers will give you a wide berth at first, in a mock tolerant acceptance, if you make the mistake to get close to them by attending meetings etc. eventually you will be confronted and talked to.
Satans little helper
I've got both, and they think I'm evil!