Listen....there is only so much of the pie to be shared. It's all about balance. If you have all or most of the pie
going to social programs, then there would be nothing toward research and development, technological and industrial
improvements, arts and humanities advancements, space exploration, and a whole host of OTHER things just as
necessary to a healthy society.
Burn is right! Nobody wants to say it out loud because it offends some. But the more you do for some people, the
more they expect and the more they take. It does NOTHING to advance a society by throwing everything you have
at these programs. I'm sorry. I believe in providing for those who are truly in need and have absolutely no way to
do it for themselves. But, if you become a welfare state, you are not helping your society.
Everybody wants to lambast business and industry. Granted....there are some issues that should be addressed and
some improvements made in some areas. But taxing industry to death and taxing the productive part of your society
does absolutely NOTHING to advance a populace. An environment that encourages industrial and business growth and
offers incentives for such, improves all of the above, IMO. So, my message is BALANCE in all things.