When Life gets you down remember this

by orangefatcat 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor
  • R.Crusoe

    I think you may have left out your wardrobe under a hot sun?

  • hubert


    Is that why all j.w.'s are slim and trim?

    We should have one of these in every home.


  • VoidEater

    As early as the late 60's there was a talk from the platform on all the time Jehovah gives you in a week, can't you get your lazy self out in service at least 10 hours a week? You've got 168 hours a week, for Heaven's sake!

    My parents looked at each other out the corners of their eyes. Even at 8 years old or so (I was "bright"), I started "taking notes":

    5 hours meetings, 3 hours travel, 7 hours dinner, 7 hours lunch, 3.5 hours breakfast, 56 hours sleep...Dad worked, so 40 hours work, 10 hours travel for that...mom shopped, I went to school...

    One of my first eye-opening moments, what fishonest duckers.

  • eyeslice

    Funny but it never seemed that hard when you were in!

  • orangefatcat

    You know that really pi$$ed me off when the elders or a C.O. or a P.O. and D.O. would break down the hours of a day, a week and then a month and they made it sound as if you had all the time in the world to give to the organizaiton. That is all what is boils down to. It is giving an accounting to the Organizaiton,

    Is there anywhere in the Holy Bible that says to us yes me beloved ones we have this many hours a month to do all that we can to get salvation that is by putting no less than 10 hours a month and the Governing body will take and keep records so that we can have more and more meetings to see how much we can improve in our services to the organization.

    Hells bells no way there is nothing like that in the Bible anywhere. When Jesus said to make disciples of peoples of all the nations and tell them the good new baptizing them in the name of the father son and holy spirit. That good news was about the commandments that JC reiterated when he said to love God with our whole heart strenght mind and soul and the second is to love our neigbhour as ourselves. That was it. That is the Good new. And the WTS feels it is more than that it is giving them our live our lively hood our money our time our resourses. Holy mackeral when will they ever learn that salvation is a grace given to us freely from our saviour Jesus Christ, nothing more nothing less.

    No how no way will anyone tell me again I have to do this for a man made dictated rulings and regualtions that are not even anywhere in the scriptures.

    Buzz off WTS. you are at your end...

    Orangefatcat is having a hissssssssssssssy fit. but in reality no I am not I am purrrrrrrrrfectly one very happy cat and camper.

    hugs to all

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