I was at work in my office as my boss jokingly calls it.A lady walk in to get 2 tires she had ordered put on.I have her sit down to wait because all of my bays were full.I noticed she was reading a small paper bound book.She was underlining it as she read.I got the feeling she may be a JW.I wanted to ask her but I didn't.My number one job at work is to make customers feel comfertable and I thought telling her I'm a raging Apostate might make her feel uncomfertable being in the same room with me.So I watch her as she underlines this book.Thinking to myself how she must be mind numbingly bored reading that trash.
When she opened her walet to give me her visa card I saw the blood card.It confirmed my suspitions of her.
You will be happy to know I got my apostate cooties all over her service car and visa card.