Your next vacation

by Wordly Andre 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Purza

    My next vacation. . . is in 15 days. A cruise to the Southern Caribbean. I can hardly wait.


  • Effervescent

    Hubby is graduating from some military training in San Antoino. I'm going to go down and attend the graduation and we're going to cruise around that area and Corpus Christie for a week. I would never have listed Texas as one of my top 100 places I want to visit, but now that I'm going I can hardly wait!

  • coffee_black

    Virginia in March to welcome my soon to be born granddaughter...


  • R.Crusoe

    Zero - my passport expired last summer and last holiday was 2 yrs ago when I took my daughter for a break and before that 3yrs ago when I took 2 daughters for a break! That's it!

    No feeling or inclination!

  • lonelysheep

    Good possiblility of London/Oxford in September.

    Disney World in November, I hope!

  • Abandoned

    Mini vacation to Rock Island, Illinois. Other than that, I don't have anything planned.

  • Cc81

    virginia beach in july!! soo excited

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    I told my daughter about the Mall of America, in Minn.. She is 16, loves to shop, spend money, go anywhere, and I hope she marries rich man. The thought of a mall, this big, is her dream come true. LOL

    RollerDave lives down the street. Hey Roller!!!! Can we still come and stay, if I bring the beer?? Don't know when though. Just started a new job.

    By the way, I loved your post, I agree totally, (Not because I want to crash at your house) LOL But what is waterboarding?

  • Cc81

    mall of america is AWESOME. i just went there in october!

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