May have just opened can of worms - posted on a spirit world forum

by feenx 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • GentlyFeral

    In addition to all the sage advice that feenx has already recieved –

    I honestly don't know what I am afraid they would do. I guess perhaps change my behavior, cause me to do things I did not want to do. That's probably the key thing right there. See my grandfather wanted me to follow in his sadistic footsteps.

    You might consider finding a therapist to help you explore the issue of ... call it "rape of conscience," if you like.

    But if you do want to explore whatever spirit world exists, it might help to be aware that every culture that believes in evil spirits has also developed a wide array of protective and defensive strategies against them. Some of them are as simple as placing an open Bible under your bed. Samples can be found here, here and here.

    gently feral


    If you want to work through your fears of "demons" just read some books by the famous psychic Sylvia Brown. I thoroughly am enjoying reading her books and it has helped me overcome the jw belief in demons and the jw belief of Satan, etc. This new knowledge has also helped me overcome the fear of death. In my opinion, the jws are a religion which feeds on our fears until they grow waaaaay out of proportion. The jw motives for instilling fear in us was to have more control over us. Which is worse? Imaginary demons? Or elders who desired to control and manipulate their flock?

    Reading these refreshing new things has helped me replace the antiquated jw beliefs that I was born and raised with.

    Keep us posted about the spirit world forum!



  • heathen

    I still believe in a spirit realm , not scared of anything. I don't believe religion is the answer at this time since they all have allot of twisted thinking .

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Try being sceptical.

    The general consensus is that sceptics are magically immune to all forms of paranormal influence, including demons and god. So even if they do exist, at least you can rest at ease.

  • parakeet

    feenx wrote: "I fear that if there is a spirit world if I try to learn about it I will somehow be exposed to and caught up in some kind of "evil." I fear that my grandfather who was/is involved in ritual abuse and who knows what else somehow put some kind of mark on me and therefore any spirit world door that I open will be flooded with ill intentioned spirits."

    Are you into voodoo or something? You sound like you belong in the 13th century. You need to calm you fears with some rational thinking and reading -- Farkel's recommendation of Thomas Payne's essays would be a good start. But maybe you need to see a psychiatrist or psychologist first. No offense, but you sound really weird.

  • Caedes

    I would like to add something since someone recommended reading books by Sylvia Brown, SB is a con artist and a fraud, read up on her before placing any value on what this evil woman believes. SB preys on people who are desperate.

    As LtCdrLore said, us skeptics are strangely immune to the effects of the spirit world. I find most spirit phenomena tend to disappear when subject to a whiff of reason or logic. Ask yourself why it is that western societies are not plagued by evil spirits in the same way that superstitous primitive cultures are?

  • feenx

    Parakeet: LOL....I suppose I probably do sound a little weird. Watchout! I may be putting pins in a doll right now for you! JK ;)

    No my grandfather was not into voodoo. I just meant he was or at the very least wanted to be involved with spirits, and he incorporated that into his sexual abuse e.g. Ritual Abuse. Over the last several years there have been more and more JW's coming forward about having been victims of ritual abuse. All I meant by him "marking" me is that if he involved me with whatever spirit or entity or whatever you want to call it that he was worshipping, I've always wondered if because of that this particular "thing" has had it's eye on me so to speak. I am seeing a therapist, and this will be one of our topics. But hey...thanks for calling me weird! always up for a good laugh :) is one reply I got from the posting on the forum:

    "Hi Feenx, the spirit world is another dimension,the next step from here,so peopsle who pass to spirit dont change their ways just because they have passed to spirit.there is good and bad just like here.But if you open to spirit for the higher good(in love) then you have nothing to fear,like attracts like.the childhood abuse you suffered has no bearing on the spirit you would attract unless you are treading the path of your Mothers father. or any other evil deed. we all have a spirit guide who has been with us from birth, even if you were brought up in another religion to be believe its isnt so. your guide is there to support and protect you so as you open up to spirit your guide is there to help.why not find a spiritulaist church near you, go along to a demonstration, just observe how it works you will see there is nothing to fear when done in love.then when you are ready join a development circle and harness your ability.hope that helps x x x "

    An interesting perspective. Thank you to all who have replied to my post! Your input has been a lot of help and helps me put things in perspective. I think for me it will come down to 1. working to distinguish between my fears and reality, and 2. realize and embrace that this fear and also being curious is another stage of seperation from the borg. Which I'm always happy about.


    Certainly feel free to call Sylvia Brown whatever you wish. However, my experience is that reading her books helped me to heal my unhealthy fears of demons, devils and death that was brainwashed into me from birth.


  • Caedes


    Whilst I am glad that you have managed to get over your fears, it would be remiss of me to not mention that she is a convicted fraudster.

    I am not name-calling she was judged to be so by a jury of her peers.

    If she truly has the powers she claims why has she failed to claim her million dollars from J Randi?

    However Sylvia Brown is not willing to put her money where her mouth is and prove her claims, why does she not do it? Because she like every other 'medium' knows that they are all liars and frauds.

    Why do I say this? Because I hate to see honest people lied to.

  • R.Crusoe

    Can you believe me???

    I dont believe in evil spirits entering anywhere near me even though some amongst the people I'm around do!!

    I don't believe in real life vampires even though some I'm around like to talk aboutt them.

    I dont believe I've ever been in a previous life though some around are sure they have!

    I can be feeling positive and chilled in such mixed company because the powers that be have granted life to each of us!

    I believe in a harm noone feeling that I have deep in my self and so like those who also feel this in spite of diverse other beliefs.

    I don't feel responsible for them and their belief - it is fine for us to agree to differ and share feelings and thoughts.

    I feel no fear and a magickal wonder inside myself at how 'nature' people get in touch with exactly that even though some go further into spiritism etc.

    I was amazed that 'Jesus' character is way more ancient than Bible Jesus in many belief systems.

    I am amazed that if the rule to go back to all the ancient beliefs is allowed into your mind you start, in time, to feel connected to everything around you.

    I cannot beloeve that I can feel a connection to the power of the Moon Goddess and the God of the Sun as parents of all life on Earth!

    It is a strange sensation at times but it is in tune with what life is to me rather than pure abstraction and unhappiness!

    So from 9 months ago still having this semi fertile fear in my heart and soul that I messed up bigtime, I now have this part fertile feeling that nature loves me! For some reason??

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