In Detroit yesterday, the story broke that the mayor, KWAME KILRATICK, the hip-hop king himself, was under investigation for his alleged purgery in a wrongful discharge lawsuit. It seems that he fired 2 police officers because of their diligence in investigating his after ours activities at the mayoral mansion. In his sworn testimony last year, he swore under oath that he DID not have any sort of romantic or intimate affair with his chief of staff. She also swore under oath to the same questioning about him. The jury found in favor of the fired officers and were awarded 9 million dollars of the city of Detroit tax payers money.
Now, however, the Detroit Free Press has uncovered evidence to the contrary.Get this....They, through freedom of information, retrieved his and her TEXT messages for the lat 5/6 years. They had text messaging devices paid for by the city. Well, these messages have now been released to the public and are quite dicey, to say the least. They totally debunk his/her claims of non-participation in any illicit affairs. He may be open to a felony charge of lying under oath. Shame Shame mister mayor.
The interesting point about all of this, is that YOUR text messages never GO AWAY!! Think about it, is there anything that YOU don't want floating in the cyber world, to be retrieved at some later date?