Body For Life 12 Week Transformation Challenge!

by Vinny 17 Replies latest social physical

  • Vinny

    Anybody here ever tried The Body for Life 12 weeks Transformation Challenge?

    Well, I will be starting DAY ONE tomorrow.

    Basically you take some "Before Photos" of yourself, along with your weight, body fat percentage, size measurements etc. (I'm also doing blood pressure and heart beats per minute).

    And then after a 12 week working out and healthy diet program, you take your "After Photos", along with weight, body fat percentage, size measurements, blood pressure etc once again.

    The difference in just 12 weeks can be AMAZING!

    You can also enter the BFL challenge contest and win $50,000 dollars. They have several categories to choose from. (It does help with motivation some but not much else.)

    I tried it about five years ago, but only lasted eight weeks or so before quitting. I can't remember why I stopped. But I was a busy elder back then with many jobs, so probably something to do with that. You know what the JW's say; "Bodily Training is only beneficial for only a little". (Actually the bible says that but the JW's apply it to working out)...

    Still, I got in such good shape after just those eight weeks that many people were asking me what I was doing. I had never felt so proud of my body as I was then. My upper body was definitely getting ripped and I knew it!

    I've always enjoyed working out, and still do regularly, but have been a bit soft in the diet department lately. Soooo, am about to jump in again!

    I am going to post my progress here on the JWD for two reasons.

    1- This way I will have no choice but to finish all 12 weeks since I've put the pressure on by posting this right here. If I don't follow through, I'd expect some of you folks will let me have it.

    2- For anybody else that wants to do something really special for yourself, you might get some motivation by checking this out. This is one change in a persons life that definitely feels amazing and can carry over into practically every other part of our life as well!

    Here is the homepage for Body For Life. It tells you about everything regarding weights, cardio and diet.

    And these next three links are definitely some of my favorites! These are actual stories with before and after photos of those that have successfully completed the 12 week program. Definitely inspirational to look at.

    I am just about to go into town tonight to pick up healthy foods, protein supplements, journal, magazines (for motivation) etc. Already did the before photos earlier today. Am definitely excited about this because I know it works.

    I start tomorrow, January 26th and my final day is Friday, April 18th. Will post updates here peridiocally.

    And will post before and after photos when I am done.

    Hope you don't mind....

    God help me....

    All the best,


  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Great idea Vinny.

    Bringing other people in to the process is a great motivator for you to stick to the program.

    I am a big fan of working out and eating healthy, so I will gladly check in on your progress and encourage you to stick with it!

    Good luck! I have a feeling you are going to do great.

    The Oracle

  • R.Crusoe

    I need a f)(*&^%$£"!ing miracle!!!

    I just got this lady talkin online and I is scared of her opinion of me!!

    She is natures own!

    I hate me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • happehanna

    Thanks you for posting this Never heard of it before.

    No need to wish you luck as you are so determined and I guess you have the confidence in the results.

    I shall follow your progress

    not only that I am going to do a similar programme myself oh help me god!

  • wanderlustguy

    The thing I did that had the greatest impact so far was putting a chin up bar over the doorway to the bathroom. Every time I pass under it, I do as many as I can either curl style or behind the shoulders. Using leg movement to propel you up works abs you never knew you had.

    When I bought it right before xmas, I could barely do one, now I'm up to 6 behind the shoulders and 10 curl style, and clothes fit dramatically better. I had dropped 6 inches in the waist in 9 months, and just lost another one since the Dallas fest and this is the only thing I added, the bar.


  • wanderlustguy

    Photos for effidence...




  • Rabbit


    Thanks, I need that motivation. I haven't looked at the site, but I will. I gotta do something. I have gained a lot of weight about 9 years ago after a bad car accident. I ended up with 5 major surgeries in 3 years, including my back.

    Before, one of my hobbies was rock & mtn. climbing. Most people would never believe that now. Because of the 2 rotator cuff surgeries, I'm probably never do that again, but I wanna get in better shape.

    WLG, damn...ya' done good. I would have never guessed you were out-of-shape at one time. You look good. I'm going to follow your lead with the chin up bar. That's a really good idea for myself and the Mz. When ya' get older you gotta go pee more often can be a good thing.


  • Odrade

    Body 4 Life is a great program. Everything about it is reasonable and healthy, AS LONG as you don't lift into pain. Fatigue is different than pain, so make sure you are lifting "to fatigue/failure" safely, and doing the lift motions right (slow up, slower down.) "Lifting to failure" means you cannot do one more rep SAFELY AND CORRECTLY - NOT "when you drop the weights on the floor."

    (if you did this before, Vinny, you know this, just a note for any who might be thinking of doing the program.) The book is really clear and well laid out, making this an almost foolproof system to follow.

    I've been thinking of starting again myself.

  • wanderlustguy

    Oldrade is right on, I was trained with the new-at-the-time superslow techniques a few years back and used them again this time, insanely fast and dramatic changes. You only have to to like ten reps, but the set takes LONGER than if you did a set of 3 @ 10 reps. If you can even finish the last one, you're shaking so bad you have to have help.

    For the chinup thing, try to take a full minute for the complete motion, if you do them looks more macho, but doesn't do any good because slow twitch fiber takes up MUCH LESS of your muscle mass than the fast twich fibers all the goofballs at the gym are always using. The more muscle mass you use, the more fat burns when you are at rest, it actually takes energy to rebuild or recover and if the diet is reasonable, you will even burn fat while you sleep.

    And additional benefit is no joint and ligament pain from the jolt of fast reps.


  • Vinny

    Well, I picked up all the items listed in my first post, took measurements and did an Upper-body workout for day one today. Was an excellent workout, about 55 minutes total. One of my biggest problems in the past has been with working out TOO HARD. Over-training is definitely to be avoided... I think I did okay though...

    Thanks for the replies and tips too.

    Good to hear about the chin-up bar, Wanderlust. But I bet if you tried a full body workout, with weights and cardio, you'd be even more amazed at how good you look and feel. Chin-ups would be just one portion of an all-body routine, IMO. For example, you are likely not doing very much at all for your triceps, shoulders or chest muscles with pull-ups. Though lats, back and biceps would get used well. You can pick up a set of weights very cheap today. K-mart, Walmart, Sears etc have both weight sets and or dumbbells. Though a local fitness center works great too... Nowadays I have my own stuff though.

    Rabbit, sorry to hear about the rough road with all those surgeries. Are you completely healed today? My right shoulder is very tender when I first start out on the bench press. So for that exercise, I do two very light warm-up sets to begin. And so far, each time it has helped me to get to the heavier weights right after. There are many programs out there for you to try today. The Lean Body Promise by Lee Labrada is another good one. Of course "Arnold" has a very popular one, with a huge encyclopedia like book. Though more for Pro Body Building than for overall fitness from what I have read.

    But the Body for Life one is very well put together, and has been proven extremely successful for millions of people. Just check all those before and after photos to see what it can do. I like the fact that it focuses on ALL THREE, weights, cardio, and diet. The 12 week PROGRAM is fairly easy to get up and excited for too. Is easy to convince myself, "Okay, by doing this for just 12 weeks (not even three full months) I can make some really great progress in just 12 weeks, it's gonna be worth it etc etc".....

    BFL also allows (and actually encourages) you to have one "FREE DAY" per week where you can eat whatever you want. It works too. By the time I was done with my free day, I was sick of it and ready to get back on the healthy stuff. A kind of reverse psychology... (My next free day is going to be next Sunday... Superbowl Sunday... : )

    Odrade, good points, thanks for mentioning. You are right about the book. I just didn't want to sound like a commercial in my first post. But it does lay everything out in very easy to follow terms. Has been a best seller for years now. So why not re-start the program soon Odrade, and be ready for summertime with a ripped new body?

    ; )

    Post your progress here as well. Motivation and staying on task is very important from my experience. It would probably help us all if you tell us what's happening.

    Thanks again for all the posts and encouragement!

    Day two tomorrow, only 82 more after that...



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