Here's the personality "quiz" Changeling posted on my last thread. There are 72 questions and tends to be pretty accurate.
Once you've done that then find your personality type and click to see if you are in the right place.
Mine is ENFJ and my college degree has drifted into the Psychology world. I find it interesting because my goal is to become a Psychologist and it was at the top of career paths. Intresting that I was a great sales representative in several place where my commissions were high. I've always wanted to write (I've got 4 books started on my computer) and so I've taken several creative writing classes. My plan has been to graduate with this degree and possibly work as a k-3 teacher and then from there become a counselor and then from there have a PhD in Psychology to become a Psychologist. I'm amazed at how many things I've done working on my career path and this was before I even knew this test was out there. So, yeah, I'm more convinced I'm on the right path.
Possible Career Paths for the ENFJ:
- Facilitator
- Consultant
- Psychologist
- Social Worker / Counselor
- Teacher
- Clergy
- Sales Representative
- Human Resources
- Manager
- Events Coordinator
- Sales Representative
- Politicians / Diplomats
- Writers
Edit to add: Highlighting was a good idea Vin. The three I've highlighted are there in my soul calling out to me.