Although i don't believe any more, Noah's ark was always my favourite story (sick really!) anyway...
I want some counter argument to this problem i see with the story
Gods words, ..he is going to bring a flood to get rid of all the wicked people.
God gave Noah dimension for the ark.
So before Noah built the ark, God already knew that no one but Noah and crew would survive. So we come into a free will issue, as there wasn't enough room on the ark for say 2000 people plus the animals.
OK so , before Noah time generation were born God knew they were going to die in the flood, so instead of them not being born, he allowed them to be born knowing full well that were going to be killed.
Next problem, God brought the flood to destroy wicked mankind... Noah and kin left... 120 years Bad people everywhere again and he uses Babel this time...
So.... Before the flood God knew only Noah was going to be save, and that his Plan to rid the world of wicked mankind, was going to fail, as just 120 odd year after the flood he has the babel problem.
So for one minute lets say somehow we have free will... But God know what we are going to do ahead of time as he lives outside of time...i know HUGE leaps of assumptions here.
Then the garden of Eden was point less as he already knew
The flood was pointless as he knew it wouldn't help matters
all the killing to establish Israel as a nation was pointless as he knew they would reject him anyway.
IN fact Armageddon is the thing he knew we has going to need to do before he even started,.. now if you say ahh well God is giving us a free choice, is he already knows the outcome, then who's benefit is it to live under him? he know our action before we are born...
So all the killing in the OT is of no point. and the flood was a wasted expertise. I don't see the point of the flood every happening.
I am not looking for a argument, but i am interested in responses as to the point of the OT if it were real. I always try and thin like a JW when pondering these things, but these i got really stuck on, so hopefully you guys can help out. I just can't see the why it happened, as God clearly stated his purpose,, so the old line of We don't always understand God plan, isn't relevant here.