Well gang, for my 100th post I thought I would see if I could either amuse or get some of the more traditional thinkers hair to stand up. I thought a good place to go would be an apostate’s look at the 10 Commandments.
Commandment 1: You shall have no other gods but me
Well the first thing that comes to my mind is why can’t I have NO Gods? The evidence is overwhelming that my existence on this planet is a result of the formula M = T/CE (M= me, T=time, C=causation and E=evolution) and hence no God is necessary. So, if you don’t mind can it be worded: “You shall have no gods?” Besides that, this law doesn’t mean a lot because everyone else has a different image of God. Since you didn’t define “me” it is a pretty lame rule if you ask me.
Commandment 2: You shall not take the name of your Lord in vain
I’m upset that you don’t appreciate free speech. I would think that if there were a ruler of the universe he is not going to get freaked out by someone using his name as a swear word. Hell, my ex-girlfriend used my name as a swear word all the time and so what? There are plenty of other babes who don’t know her yet:-)
Commandment 3: You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
Don’t you think this is pretty egocentric? After all, if you really want to make sure that people spend a whole day each week thinking about you, thanking you, and following your rules like crazy…you would have appeared as a rock star. I really need to use the Sabbath day to catch up on my sleep debt.
Commandment 4: Honor your father and mother
This is a pretty good rule but can I get an exemption because my parents are still both dubs and disowned me because of their belief they were serving you? And, what about cases where are parents actually turn out to be you know…those weird people that are eventually caught and arrested for doing very strange crimes. Does it still apply then?
Commandment 5: You shall not kill
I think this is also a good rule in principle but I wish you had been a little more careful in the way you put it. Like, what about cases of self-defense, you want me to bend over and grab my ankles while some maniac tries to do me in?
Commandment 6: You shall not commit adultery
I’m wondering about your motives on this one. You see, there is plenty of biological evidence to show that men have sexual instincts that motivate them to inseminate any receptive female, regardless if she is his wife or not. Indeed, and if you intended for men and women to have only one sexual partner, why is it that most sperm a man ejaculates are not for the purpose of fertilizing her egg, but rather to engage and kill other male sperm? It seems that your right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing here. I would think if you really wanted men and women to be sexually faithful that it would be biologically supplemented by design. Just the opposite though in real life.
Commandment 7: You shall not steal
Good job on this law, and would you mind making an addition on long-term borrowing being naughty?
Commandment 8: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
Why lie at all? Yet again I’m pretty damn disappointed to find that lying is nearly a universal trait not only in humans but in other species as well. Even animals lie. The Bible even encourages lying in some circumstances. Yet, gotta balance this with free speech.
Commandment 9: You shall not covet your neighbor's goods
Don’t you know what is good for the economy? Sheesh. Look, if I don’t see and admire my neighbors hot new car I’m not going to be motivated to work hard or go deeply into debt to get one he lusts for. Yes, I know it is unhealthy to get carried away by those desires but come on give me a break.
Commandment 10: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
Here you go again getting carried away with “thought crimes.” If I see a really good-looking babe, married or not, I don’t feel there is anything wrong with feeling attracted. If I’m drooling, or otherwise making a fool of myself, then I simply need to get laid more often. See Commandment 6 for my beef about this.
Hmm, guess I wouldn’t make a good Israelite after all.
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein