So, I told mom what I think about the Watch Tower, et al...

by Reverend Warhawk 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • tooktheredpill

    Hey Reverend!

    I think it is a positive thing that you and your mom "decided to respect each other's beliefs". At least that way you can still maintain a relationship with her.

    It sucks to know how the WT keeps our family held "hostage". Each time that I try to reason with my mom I receive the same reactions... "you know this is the Truth(tm)", etc...

    By the way, the person that Mastodon mentioned, I think I know who she is... Am I right??

    Have a great day!


  • Mastodon

    TTRP-You probably do. That person grew up around your neck of the woods...

    Reverend, thank you and the missus for the pizza and beer last night. It was fun! (and thanks for the Star Wars books. They're not enough to earn you a blow job, but you're well on your way!)

  • Reverend Warhawk
    Reverend Warhawk

    LOL!!! No, man, thank you for the group therapy...Hehehe...Wife felt a lot better afterwards, you guys did your magic. ;o) I knew you'd dig those books. Pretty cool stuff there! TTRP, I'm still on hold...she *SAID* she was gonna respect my thoughts, but the proof is in the pudding, or something to that effect...

  • Mastodon

    Rev-these situation, as we discussed last night, can become tricky, because JWs cannot help but inserting their religion in every topic. Specially when conversing with a 'lost sheep' like yourself.

    Both of you will have to fill yourselves with patience as it will become obvious that they expect to be able to tell you anything and trying to guilt-trip you and yet, won't want to listen to your POV of the situation or the religion... but the freedom you feel after 'coming out' of the proverbial 'postate closet, is well worth the grief.

  • MissingLink

    Could be worse Reverend. It's funny - my mom said the same thing to me -- "Are you going to be catholic now" in a mocking tone. What's up with that?

  • Cc81

    i hope it all works out..

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