I've been thinking about this for a while, so was surprised to see another poster start a thread about narcissism just when I was going to do so. However, his thread isn't really the same as what I had in mind. I was thinking about the JW belief that Jehovah, Jesus, all the angels, Satan and all the demons and the entire world are watching their entire lives, every single move. This leads, predictably, to paranoia and guilt, but I think it also leads to narcissism. They are always performing for an enormous invisible and visible audience - I remember how, when I read Visions of Glory, I was struck by the story the author told about some tragedy where the 'sisters' showed up to help a family. All they could talk about was how the police had probably never seen any group of people that were so willing to help each other - the self-congratulatory conceit was astonishing and no word was said to or about the grieving family. Every petty little thing they do, the most basic honesty or compassion, is viewed as a terrific witness to Jehovah.
JWs and narcissism
by Hortensia 21 Replies latest jw friends
Jehovah watches you poop.
They love to pat themselves on the backfor a job well done. This was one of the things that p#ssed me off at conventions - the Sunday Arvo "Let's build up our ego's" discourse. If you believed it, you would think they were the only nice people on the earth!
Well, now i know they are special...................almost feel sorry for'em.
I attended a memorial service at a KH yesterday. The hall was full and most of the JWs were visiting before and after the service just like any other meeting.
I was struck with how little grieving was shown for a member many of them had known for 30 or 40 years. It's all about the organization, and making it look good (when it's not). I saw no tears for the dead sister. How healthy is that? -
Nice script java - you are right about emotional dysfunction that WT induce by replacing as much emotion as is possible with rules and regulation.
Narcissism though infers a selfish heart condition and I'm not at all convinced thats what's at play in many though there may be in some more than others! I cant quite hit what I feel with words just yet but the hunch I get is an artificial narcissistic mindset is manufactured through circular reasonings making each person so reliant on its role in their life that they believe anything it delivers them so long as yet another circular reason is supplied!
They are so in the habit of doing this that within a few layers of reasoning they are accepting things they never would have taken seriously if it were told to them at the start! Most certainly programming is going on to deliver a group ethos of something or other, parts of which manifest as narcissism!
HORTENSIA - Good thread ! I see where you are going with this point. I agree . Having been raised in the witnesses for 44 years getting out 4 years ago , through the years I really got tired of seeing the self congratulatory pats on the back the witnesses would give themselves when helping out victims of natural disasters like Katrina , or even the article about the 9-11 attacks when they were so complimentary to finding out which WITNESSES were killed in the attacks and all the brave things that were done by the WITNESSES ! Ridiculous. They help and check on their own - but generally not others. In Katrina - we saw thousands of people helping one another , regardless of race, religious background , social standing, etc. A true show of brotherhood of mankind - but JW's help their own . They certainly are on display as you say - and what we see isn't good ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
JAVA - It is very true . Witnesses are ridiculously bereft of any normal human compassion for deceased members or their families . It is all about outward appearance of looking to the future fantasy of a paradise, and they take quite literally the scripture , " we don't grieve as the rest who have no hope ". That sure is true - they are damned robots ! Because they are cult mind controlled on how to respond at deaths, and funerals, they don't even have normal emotions to know how to grieve properly ! It's crazy ! My son, and wife and I went to a witness funeral last June , and the guy giving the talk acted like it was a marketing ploy to get more witness recruits by what he said. Hardly any mention was made of the deceased . These people really are sick puppies
They do brag about every little thing.
I remember going to an assembly when I was about 6 or 7. As we got close to the building, traffic was backed up at an unmarked intersection. The JW's took turns letting each other pass at the intersection. My folks started raving how only JW's would do that, the world would never take turns!!
Later on during the assembly even one of the speakers spoke about the amazing love the dubs showed each other at that intersection. The world would never do that!
I saw this silly display at many assmeblies growing up, and yeah, I believed them.
Fast forward a few years, I have my own drivers license, A traffic light I am approaching is obveously not functioning properly. Guess what all those wordly drivers people did? They took turns! Imagine that!
I've driven for many years now, decades even. I have seen wordly people take turns at every unmarked intersection I have ever been at. I ususally make a big rant over how loving and god-like those drivers must be. My never-been-JW husband doesn't get it, I think it;s hilarious every time.
Fast forward a few years, I have my own drivers license, A traffic light I am approaching is obveously not functioning properly. Guess what all those wordly drivers people did? They took turns! Imagine that!
It's absolutely amazing, isn't it? Must have been a one-off....
maybe narcissism isn't the right word but you all get what I mean - the little pats on the back for doing what the world would consider so normal they wouldn't mention it or think about it. And the lack of human emotion...sick.