The story was kept hushed up, much as in any 'abuse' case that goes on in the WT world but, JWs don't like anything to make the WT Society look bad.
One JW woman out on 'the misery', reversed into and dragged down the street another JW woman who then broke both arms, ribs, pelvis etc. Infact, she is lucky to still be alive. This horror was not announced at any KH in the country and kept quiet. The run over woman is the wife of a 'prominent' well known elder.
Two weeks later, still no one knew about the incident and the injured party is still in hospital and recovering slowly.
So, why keep it quiet?!
Would such an incident ruin the superstition that going out in the misery in some way protects JWs?!
The ironic thing is that the JW woman who was run over never liked to give lifts to any other JWs,as she thought it would put her or her passenger in a legal quandry should she ever have an accident and the other JW might sue her and go against the WT wishes of JWs not suing eachother.
I don't yet know whether there is any police prosecution pending on this accident, but I wonder if she will take legal action against the JW who reversed over her and nearly killed her?