if it was well known in the congregation and some elders knew also , if she had the affair before she got baptised with a disfellowshipped man would she not have to tell her husband before she got baptised ?
a sister had an affair while married
by looloo 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Good question because elders would no doubt have divided loyalties about getting another 'saved' for the new system!
Should they kick up a stink and risk her not getting baptised or let the waters wash away all sin??
So she was married and had an affair and a lot of people already know in the JW community except her husband who is also in that community? Was she married to the same man she's married to now? Or a different man and now remarried? swife.
To clarify, which one are you?
my understanding is that in theory she should confess to her husband
To clarify, which one are you?
G'day sas!
Warm one today in Canburruh, ain't it?
My point was that hypothetical questions are irrelevant but I suspect there's more to it than that.
Still, the details are confused but clarification may reveal a situation that is by no means unusual in the Borg and so would be helpful to others.
Cheers, Ozzie
To me that's a personal decision and not a mandatory one. Personally, I feel like whatever happened before I started dating someone with other people is really my personal business. If you didn't commit a crime, and you weren't in jail, then keep it to yourself.
With that being said, and knowing how "gossipy" elders are, protect yourself from your husband hearing it from another source.
What's done before marriage and before baptism isn't anyone's business. I had many "affairs" before I was baptized, as I wasn't raised as a JW. No one asked me about my sexual history, and I wouldn't have answered them if they did.
One supposes an element of trust exists respecting the two people. For example if one is adamant about something which later proves a lie it can later be sen how this could cause problems. Not so bad if you declare it's something you'd rather not discuss since it's private and previous relationships are exclusive this one! At least you know each others mind that way before commiting!
It's a different story when one partner second guesses the persona of the other and lies to establish an image of what they detect the other is attracted to - which is not really who they are - and which manifests itself at a later date to the demise of the trusting individual who believed it all! Which is then causes further problems which the deceptive one attempts to turn back as jealousy or whateva.
I can see how such could screw with the head of a trusting individual! And also how the 'takers' in life wouldn't care about any invisible damage their attitude causes.