My three year old grandson wants to 'type'... so here it is....
by AK - Jeff 23 Replies latest jw experiences
Awww...I can't see it....
Hi there little one...
Grandpa Jeff..I don`t see anything.....Does he know we`re going to answer him?..LOL!!.............
Dont'cha just love them grandkids!? They sure make you glad you didn't strangle their parents when they were teen-agers don't they?
Can't see his typing either tho.
Hi little one
AK - Jeff
In his exuberance to do so - He shut down my machine and we had to reboot - LOL
So here is his first Internet contribution....
hjkkhjjjjjhjghjhjgjgjjgjjhxhjjhhjyu[vuuuuuuuuuuuuyyuuuy 6o7ooo6o767o6oroooooooo767o7oo776o76o7o76o76o76o76o76o76o76o76o76o76o76o767o6o6ooo76o7o7oo7676o76o6oo76o6o76oo767o6o76o76o
LOL!!@ Grandson......Thats a remarkable first post..Is he aware no one else has done that on this board before??..LOL!!...........
slkdfjiiiiiiiiiiiiisdfuuuuuuuuuusdssssssssssssssssueeeeeeeeehgggggggggggggggggggggasssssssssssss back to you sweetie. Have your grandpa give a hug to you from me.
He will not appreciate this comment I'm sure but hey that makes as much sense as some of the other things I have read on the net.
To the grandbaby...
Heehee. How cute. How often do you get to see your grandson Jeff?
As if my biological clock wasn't ticking enough...thanks!