Yes I remember a couple that use to hang around
The probable cause of this might be due to the fact that since the Awake and Watchtower magazines many times contain images of doom and gloom / IE. Armageddon is coming etc.
In the eyes of certain people who may suffer from schizophrenia or other personality disorders this may trigger a psychotic attack, don't laugh I've seen this happen a couple of times
at my hall. A side from the more common grabbing of peoples attention .
And for certain people that stay with the JWS for along period of time this can develop , creating what is called bipolar-ism disorder.
Certainly its easy to see how someone thats emotionally unstable that starts reading these types of magazines can only worsen their disorder and yes
when the person who is studying with them asks if they would like to attend a meeting they are more than likely to say yes.
I don't think its kind to call these people weirdos , they maybe should be considered unfortunate.
But then again I think all JWS are unfortunates, psychologically speaking