Last year there was an entire article on "Blood", if you are able to get a Watchtower CD 2007 you can get the entire articel there, I think its a few pages long. Also you may be able to get a copy of their "Transfusion Alternatives" video, which may also help your thesis paper, if you go to your local Kingdom Hall and ask nicely. There's also a big chapter on it in the Book "in search of Christian Freedom" by Raymond Franz. But really though all you have to do is google it, and you will get a plethora of sites regarding the use of blood according to Jehovahs Witnesses.
Hope this helps. Im pretty sure no one here will email you anything, as "onthewayout" put it, we are paranoid.
Go to this thread you can get the Watchtower CD, but there are plenty of places you can get the WT CD on the net, most of them are on "torrent" sites.
Most of us who are still in the organization don't really know much about blood, other than we are allowed some fractions of blood and others were not allowed. But the General rule is we are not allowed to have blood. All Baptized Witnesses carry in their wallet a "No Blood" card in case we are incapacitated and need medical treatment and is that card is there to protect us. Trust me its all very confusing, thats why there is a "Witness Liason" for hospitals to advise us as to whether or not we are allowed types or fractions of blood.