ok can we be who we woulda been.......... unfortunately NO is the answer.
can we become someone closer to whom we woulda been......... or can we change our lives to do what we want? the answer to that is HELL YES.
were we all twisted to some extent or another by that cult......... so that we will never completely be free of it...... im gonna say there is a very high likelyhood of that. dosent mean we cant become more than who we were, or that we cant live our dreams. just means that certain words will trigger jw flinches.
there is a christian song and the title escapes me........ damn good song... but in it he says "im so happy to be in the truth" and i cant listen to it.............. because of jw upbringing...... stupid yes......... can i help it.... no.
we are free of the shackles of brainwashing but the conditioning stays far longer than it should. we can choose to sleep around, we can choose to use mind altering drugs and alcohol, we can also choose to drive a 2 door car to college so we dont have to wash windows. we can listen to metallica or eminem and can give every single kingdum hell the finger as we drive by.
these are all starts to becomeing who we want to be....... or who we want to want to be. wheres our balance, we cant spend all our time hateing the gb otherwise we wont have time to LIVE our lives. if i choose to get a hobby or take up a profession the society bans...... its my decision, and consequently another step to who i really am.
in dealing with my jacka$$ jw family and how ive been slightly twisted by their selfrightous judgemental attitudes, and blatantly false teachings............... im gonna always be effected but its not gonna stop me from becomeing a me and living a life that i actually enjoy and like.