I need to write to the GB

by Mrs Smith 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Let me go back a bit so you understand why I need to do this. I have been talking to my active jw mom about the changes that the GB made in the new wt about "this generation". I told her that the bible was clear that nobody knows the time of the end and that it was wrong of the WBTS to try and put a time frame on it by saying that 1914 generation would not pass away. She told me it was new light!

    I then asked her if she agreed that the bible is very clear that no one knows the time or the hour. She agreed that it was clear, I then asked her if she thought it was a mistake to have tried to attach a date to it. She agreed. So I told her that I feel that the GB made a mistake and they should be humble enough to admit to it. She first said no it's just new light. I then asked her what would happen to her if she made a mistake and was not humble? She said that they would df her. So i said that the GB were suppose to be slaves and slaves are suppose to be humble. They made a mistake and they should appologise and be humble about it.

    I said that many people put their lives on hold, no education, not getting married and not having kids etc, because ot the 1914 generation not passing away! New light did not replace all they had given up!

    I asked her if she thought it was fair that there seemed to be two sets of rules one for the jw in the kh and one for those in the lead at WBTS HQ.

    I could feel that I had got through to her. ( A small crack in the JW armour) She said I was right and that they should appologise.


    and then.... she asked me to write to the GB and ask them why they don't appologise. I know that the GB will not write back. But she thinks they will, she is convinced that one of the 12 (?) will take the time to write to me!!

    I want to send a very respectful letter to them so that I can send my mom a copy. If someone does answer it will be a standard responce and she will be disappointed.

    I have not been to meetings for .....almost 10 years and am not df'ed or da.

    Any comments will be appriciated

  • dinah

    Mrs. Smith,

    Sounds like your Mom is starting to "see"

    When dealing with parents or others who have been in the organization for a long time, it might be effective to talk about everything Witnesses have given up because the end is right around the corner. You did a great job there! I've mentioned to my Mom that if I had known I'd still be here, I would have went to college. She just agreed and looked kinda sad.

    By all means write to the GB. I don't think many people get a response to any critizism they make. Maybe they'll at least acknowledge receipt of you letter so you can show their nn-answer to your Mom.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    I can only try my best to get my mom thinking for herself!!! Thanks Dinah

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith


  • UnConfused

    Ask her to write a letter too.

  • Velvetann

    You did a great job of reasoning with her, and she obviously doesn't blank you out. For sure it would be great if you wrote them (GB) a letter. I hope they don't DF you for that, can they when you are DA?? What I am hearing is that it seems that if you ask a question never mind disagree that they retaliate. I am new on these discussion groups, have been out for over 20 years and didn't open my mouth once to say something negative about them. I didn't want to be totally shunned so I could keep my parents in my life. I am an only child. I too am not DF or DA just OUT. My Mom passed away in late 2006 faithful and brainwashed to the end. She preached at me constantly and depressed me with her doomsday talk. Her way of trying to frighten me back into the Borg. It was impossible to talk to her about my views, she just didn't listen to any negative at all, she would just repeat over and over that they (the GB) knew best. It was so exasperating to talk to her. BUT as I said she had no problem telling me her opinions. I avoided being alone with her for years but in the end I had to be with her a LOT because I was the only one that would care for her when she became helpless. She named two sisters from her congregation (Sutton Ontario) for personal care in her will instead of me. That was fine with me. The sisters refused to do it, they said it was my duty. My Mom just kept saying no they didn't say that and they loved her and they were taking care of her. They were not but she stubbornly still had the idea that the sisters loved her more than family. I took care of her and the witnesses only came over once in a while to read the scriptures, no physical practical help. The reason she chose the sisters was because she said the elders advised her not to use me because I was not a JW anymore and I would force her to take blood. She had terminal brain cancer, they (the doctors) didn't want to even give her chemo never mind blood

    Its so difficult to talk to the older ones who have been in for years, my Mom was a JW for over 50 years, she was 77 when she died. What a waste of her life. She wasted mine with her beliefs. I was 3 when they got the truth, I was taken out of school at 16 and forced to be a regular pioneer. I wanted to become a nurse or teacher but they said NO. Now I have no career or pension and the end is still NOT here.

    If you send the letter it sure would be interesting to hear what they do. I wonder how many people send them letters like that. YOU are so right they are NOT humble, they are arrogant, they act holier than God literally.

    Good for you to talk to your MOM and hopefully help her see the Truth ;-)

    Paula from Ontario Canada

  • IMHO

    If anything they will say that they are not saying they know the day and hour, but only the generation.

  • hubert

    Write the letter, show it to your Mom, and have your MOM put her address on it, and have her send it.

    This way, she can't say you never sent it when they don't reply. She will be waiting for a letter that never comes, and what more proof will she need to show that the GB don't apologize for their (lies) "mistakes".


  • worldtraveller

    This all seems more like an addiction-similar to smoking. You believe that smoking is not killing you and on your very last puff, you still are in denial. Then you are no more along with your faith.

  • Dogaradodya

    Write to them in a broadsheet, preferably, one whole page. That way they'll be forced to answer back in public.


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