It is already upon us. This year, the Crapmorial will be after sundown on March 22, a Saturday (Easter is March 23). There will, in fact, be a drive to hound people into attending. And I found from the December 2007 Kingdumb Misery that the 2009 Crapmorial is April 9, a Thursday night.
Not that I recommend attending either one of those wastefests. What it means is that, if you have a reason why you need to attend (family in, for instance), having plenty of advance warning can allow you to make sure you arrive in a condition where you are not as likely to puke more than once (such as eating a light meal before, or taking plenty of ginger powder before arriving so you will not be as likely to puke). And you will be able to plan your affairs around it.
Or, if you are going to blow it off, it will help you plan something else for that evening. March 22 is fast approaching, and there is plenty to do for Easter. Going to a real church is an option. If you have children, hiding Easter eggs is another. Or, if you don't feel like celebrating for whatever reason, it is a great time to start getting that yard work done or started. I am sure there are plenty of videos that you can rent that night, or find on cable. Or, you can fight your way through a congested parking lot, hunt for a seat only to be bumped, and snore through a 45 minute wastefest followed by watching a plate of stale crackers and a glass of spoiled grape juice go around the auditorium, and then fight your way back out.