This threat might be a bit too dark for some. Have any of you been abused by a sibling? I'm not talking about the usual jealousy thing. I'm talking about real abuse, sexual, physical and emotional. Did you ever inform your parents about this? What did your parents do about it? What kind of relationship do you have with your sibling and your parents today?
Evil siblings
by heyfea 13 Replies latest jw friends
I'm the eldest. There were issues with my younger siblings.
When things 'came to light' 25-30 years later, parents blamed me because I should have done something about it.
Please don't ask for further details. I'm not comfortable with even posting this much as it is not my story to tell.
Have any of you been abused by a sibling?
Yes, emotional and physical, by my only sibling, my brother (13 months younger than I).
Did you ever inform your parents about this?
Yes. My dad who raised us and my mother who abandoned us, but always and still adores him more than anything to this day.
What did your parents do about it?
Ask me, "What did you do to him???"
What kind of relationship do you have with your sibling and your parents today?
I don't.
FYI-NONE of my family are or were ever jw's.
What did you do to him?
I was alive.
Ladies, I understand. This is extremely painful, specially when parents do not react the way we expect them to.
Later I will expand a little on my case. Right now I'm at work.
As I promise, here's our sad tale.
At a young age, my brother had a strong curiosity with sex and, being the bully that he was (and still is), he would make me do things to him which I detested. I was afraid of him. But most of the time, he was nice and took care of me. My life as a child, on the outside, showed no sign whatsoever of being abused. It was all fun and games. I never told my parents, friends, relatives or brothers in the congregation. No one knew.
After 10 years of being the only two siblings in the family, a little sister comes along.
I grew up, got married, had children. Still no one knew.
At the time my son was less than a year old, my sister was 18. She was a strong young woman; always standing up to our brother who would try to bully her. One day, they had a fight, for something pathetic, yet, she graved a knife and told my brother off while pointing the knife at him. Of course, the bully backed off. But she did something else. She called a meeting with our parents and told them that our brother had raped her when he was 17 and she was 5. My parents could not believe it. They refused to believe it. But when I was told about it, I knew, it had to be true. And I wanted to kill him.
My parents never did anything about it. They requested that no one in the family should find out. Not even in the congregation. My father had since passed away. My mother still ownes a house with her prescious son.
My sister and I, are totally alone. When family gatherings come along, we're invited, but since we know that the a-hole will be there, we decline. My mother though expects my sister and I to sit at the same table with him. Like nothing had ever happened.
Ultimately I did tell my husband what had happened between my brother and I. My husband hates him to death. My sister's husband, (she got married and has children of her own), hates him to death too.
My mother? She's a die hard ironic? Isn't she suppossed to shun her son? My sister and I are no longer JWs, and WE shun him, big time.
at a very young age , maybe 7 i came inside from playing and caught my oldest bro and sis having sex, they were probably 12 i guess, i asked my brother what they were doin, he made me do things to my sister that i was not able to do at that age, and then said that i could not tell since i had done that too, and i did not till this day, he was always physically abusive to me when i was young, when i reached 13 i was big physially, and i beat him up. he never bothered me again, he has mental problems now from druguse.
I will dare to ask this question, since i hear so much about this kind of molestation, even from my x, is it almost normal to see this kind of thing as opposed to it being abnormal , though it in no way is normal or acceptable behavior!!!