honestly its the fanatics.............. dosent matter what they beleive........ wish we could send all the fanatics someplace far and away from us.
friend of my wifes........ attends a church and absolutely thinks the sun rises and sets with it....... she got rid of all of her music.......... except for the christain stuff. to me thats a first sign......... it dosent bother me when someone chooses to listen to christian music but when you dump your old stuff........ and i dont mean the music thats got swearing and bad things condoned....... i mean micheal jackson....... the bee gees......... whatever. if you get rid of perfectly acceptable good music............ cause its not holy enough......... whats up.
her pastor gave a sermon right after the tsunami hit and said it was sent by god to destroy the sinners.......... i was like WTF......... barely able to keep from actually saying it. i said that man is a complete moron and left it at that. same church has a SINGLE woman who is over their MARRIAGE MINESTRY............. shes single and has NEVER been married. so obviously shes qualified.
fanatics take things and make a big deal out of nothing. im totally not a fanatic.... i have what i belive..... and i dont try and make everyone belive how i do. i dont smoke and barely drink, but i dont yell at peeps when they do. those fanatics just need to live their own lives and let others alone.