Who will picket the Kingdom Hall with me?

by Maddie 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tula
    they can refuse to read a sign, but they can't really block out the sound


    It would come full circle with that, Moshe.

    My JW friend tells me about the time they had those old hand crank recorders and would stand on the sidewalk all day making people listen to the victrola sounds of "religion is a snare and a racket."

    Do any historians know....were they doing much door to door in the 1920"s or was it mostly street corner "boom boxes"?

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I agree with B_Deserter, this sort of behaviour reinforces the victim mentality of the JWs.

    People like Danny H did nothing more than push the sheep back into the fold - underlining the borg's line that everyone who is a apostate is a mentalist.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Most will read the first couple of words on your sign, then realise it's "apostate" and look away for fear of being seen to be looking. You need to pique their curiousity with a short slogan, maybe "Google: Ray Franz" or "Google "UN JW". For those having doubts it may be enough to start them researching.

  • mkr32208

    I'll go and won't wear NOTHIN'

    Dare to bare baby!

    I guarantee that they (at least the guys) will look... They might even see your sign!

  • Crumpet

    I like the sentiment, but I think I do much more good in terms of making sure people no how dangerous this cult is by explaining when the occassion arises why I have no blood family. This shocks people and sometimes makes them cry and next time a dub knocks at their door they will remember my story and not be taken in by the smiles/lovebombing/boring magazines. It might even lead them to question the whole shunning your children policy with the next dub that turns up. And who knows where that could lead if enough people are appalled and disgusted at their unloving behaviour. I can dream.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    "If Jesus invited me to eat it with Him, why do you tell me not to eat?"

    That might make them think.


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Tula has it right... if you do this, use their OWN history on them:

    * "RELIGION IS A SNARE AND A RACKET" and "MILLIONS NOW LIVING (IN 1919) WILL NEVER DIE" on wearable sandwich boards

    * Make a "sound car" and play Rutherford's recordings to them. Make up a compilation of the juciest tidbits with teachings that are no longer accepted. Hang a banner on the side of the sound car "Judge Rutherford Speaks!" so they know who they are hearing (I bet 99 out of 100 Witnesses couldn't pick Rutherford's voice out of a lineup... that's how much their history is blurred/buried).

  • blondie

    Be sure you are following all the laws in your area regarding "trespassing". Find where it is public property and you will not be causing a traffic hazard. Some areas have other requirements for picketers. I would work with the local law enforcement. A couple on JWD picketed but were limited by the police.

  • DT

    I would like to do this, but I am concerned with the cost benefit analysis. I'm sure it might help some while reinforcing the stereo types of others. The question is whether it would do more harm than good. I think it could be mostly beneficial if care it taken to be peaceful and thought provoking without appearing to attack the members. I think it could be very beneficial to passersby and people who are coming for the first time. It might also be encouraging to faders. If I do it, I would probably choose a hall on a busy street. It might also be worth following up with sign waving for a few Sundays afterwards. They might start reading the signs after the shock wears off.

  • Maddie

    DT - I would want a peaceful picket as I agree anything that comes over as intimidating is going to have a detrimental effect. It needs to be peaceful but powerful

    BLONDIE - Thanks I never thought about these things, I'm very impulsive!

    TULA & MOSHE - You've given me an idea about sound. I wonder how I can arrange it..........

    DAWG - If you won't go in disguise then nor will I

    OWENFIELDDREAMS - I don't mind giving some of my time to fight the borg. If it made one person stop and take notice I would be pleased. If not then at least I tried

    MOMZCRAZY - If you go and partake make sure everyone sees

    ABANDONED - I have made a note of all you said so thank you

    KENNESON - I never did get to see anyone partake - ridiculous JW doctrine!

    B_DESERTER - I like the psychology of using thought provoking questions instead of making direct statements. The JW's are taught to do that on the doors - use their own strategy

    SATANS LITTLE HELPER - It doesn't have to be done in a crazy way

    MICKEY MOUSE - Slogans can be very effective in selling products I agree, so can you think of some good ones for me please?

    MKR - Thank you for the offer of nudity but it would surely shock the old dears!

    CRUMPET - Yes it is vital that unsuspecting people become educated about the JW's and what they practice. A demo would only be a one off event I realise that.

    TJ - "Religion is a snare and a racket" and "Millions will never die". Should really embarrass a few, and make a few stop and think.

    AK - The last time I went to a Memorial I felt like I was actually refusing Jesus. It wasn't a nice way to feel.

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