OMG, great post!
This just reminded me...when I was back in the religeon, I was taking spanish lessons from a brother who had served many years special pioneering in different spanish speaking destinations. He claimed to be a self-taught doctor as well!! He said he had gotten his training from a brother in some other country (one of the destinations he had pioneered in), and this brother taught him everything he knew - therefore, he was a Dr. He even said I could call him Dr. Lee. What a friggin joke!! He said it was a secret, and he didn't want very many people to know b/c he didn't want to detract from his pioneer work, etc. Basically, he didn't want to be found out and called a liar! He was a regular pioneer, an elder, and an ex-bethelite. He eventually had his privledges taken away and was demoted as an elder b/c of some other trouble he had gotten himself into. Things like being engaged to someone but not telling anyone and pursuing other sisters and taking advantage of his rank.
I could go on and on about him but anyways, isn't that funny about him calling himself a doctor. Sick.