Since jehovah is a made up concept of God, wat next? ( I have my own belief in reserves pending responses)
Since jehovah is a made up concept of God, wat next?
by Arrogant 1 16 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to JWD.
Make up your own.
Best advice I ever got was from my grandfather.
The secret of success: "Make up a convincing line of bullshit and stick with it"
In the end its all bullshit.
Arrogant 1
eh but should we shouldnt we all stick by socio logical truths to somehow create good life for now /identify scene and characters that surround us at all times/(should be automatic?)/ act accordingly / 3. Rule out danger /4. if it's all good, we all drop into the scripts of friend acquainteces idk ,suggestions, actually works out for me im the guy everybody likes,.... but there is no jehovah, only creator , its just u n me friend
Tired of the Hypocrisy
My opinion is this: An Almighty Creator is out there. I believe He loves us and that we should try to make peace with Him. I just don't believe that He can be found in the watchtower. If He ever was there I don't think He is there anymore......
Arrogant 1
i feel the the watchtower org has personified god into somethin we as humans can connect to , a god with Person Qualities, hence there jehovah, and we as people ans even worse,ex-jw, still hold on to idea that God is a person, (For example your use of language article "He")/-Also not me- God is energy(arguable), and cant shake the notion thats its just u and me and the other 6 billion living
the notion thats its just u and me and the other 6 billion living
This is a controversial notion, one that I agree with however.
You cannot easily categorize ex-JW's, other than that they all have come to know that the JW's are wrong. On this board you'll find many thinking ex-JW's on both sides of the believer / non-believer equation. I don't understand how the believers can believe any more, even though I was one before. I can understand why they might WANT to.
On the other hand, some believers here think people like me are delusional. Oh well, so it goes.
Arrogant 1 went off on a tangent that left the coin flipping in the air and a mildly humoristic footnote.... i will help u live a better life.... if u send me $300 cash money order a month that buys u a phone conversation with me for six hours over the length of 30 days on how u can party like a rockstar and live it to the fullest....1st tip *do Not do cocaine8
Arrogant 1
...i broke no rules
I say! You make a fine addition to the site here Arrogant 1. Here's hoping we'll see you over in the political threads, eh what? Dooooo let's continue this smashing discussion on the concept of Jehovah.