Hi! New person here
by RealityBites 35 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Reality Bites -
Welcome to JWD. Take a look around. There's alot of good info here and some incredibly insightful people.
There are quite a few posters here that are in similar situation to yours. The have left/are leaving the org but their spouses are still in.
I wish you peace and comfort.
Welcome! This place has its ups and insane drop offs but its a good overall place to learn...AND pick up a few crazies along the way...but for the most part good folks here....WELCOME!
Greetings and welcome aboard. Your doing the right thing by questioning the beliefs of those who say they have the true understanding of the scriptures. The scriptures tells us to "...make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine," this means, we have the right to question our and any belief system. Don't feel guilty about questioning your belief.
All the best.
Golf -
RealityBites: Is anyone else at that point? And how did you feel when you realised that you werent in God's one true organisation? I will admit it has hit me pretty hard after having spent my whole life being taught it was.
Welcome....and yes I agree....Reality Bites!....I am at the same point as you....recent awakening and almost all family still in....and I am just 4th generation, so thanks for beating me! Sorry about your very personal problems with creeps. BTW.... who the heck is Fred Titanich?.....It will take awhile to get normal....I am not there yet..........................good luck!........................oompa
BTW.... who the heck is F*** T*******?.....
That's me, dammit. Try to keep up, man.