I haven't read a WT or AW in a long long time. If that is a quote from the WT, it seems to me it has been dumbed down. Maybe it's just distance, but I don't remember the WT being that simplistic - has it changed that much or is it just my memory of WT-related things is getting hazy.
WT says Thank God we're here for you!
by ozziepost 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Sorry Oz, I guess I've become such a sceptic that in looking for an error, I couldn't find anything not in error.
I'll just mention one oddity of the application of this illustration. Having worked on a farm, I can say with a great deal of certainty that if you plant a field of wheat this year, and come back in about 2000 years, I doubt that you'll find any wheat still growing. Somebody else will have moved in and be raising llamas or garlic or something.
I dunno, I think maybe Jesus was talking about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE and not about the Watchtower Corporation in 2008. Or maybe it wasn't an illustration, maybe he was really trying to teach those fishermen how to raise a field of weedy wheat.
The only thing here that I come away with is that it doens't honestly seem to be aimed at the public does it? Seems like they are aiming at convincing the witnesses who might go on there that they still have the truth more that aiming at "worldly people"...
The jw's have brainwashed themselves into thinking that they have a pristine organization that they keep that way by df'g 40,000 a year. Of course it's a total lie, but it's part of the mind control that they force people to believe along with everything else that they come up with. And you'd better agree with it or else.
As Pastor Russell wrote regarding the Papacy, it holds equally true for Babylon III, aka, the wtbts
"The emperor was there persuaded to declare that those who resisted the judgment of this clerical body in matters of faith should prepare themselves for immediate exile. And their decisions were declared to be of divine authority. This spirit of intolerance soon ripened into bitter and relentless persecution. Constantine issued two penal laws against heresy, and his example was followed by succeeding emperors--Valentinian, Gratian, Theodosius, Arcadius, and Honorius. Theodosius published fifteen, Arcadius twelve, and Honorius no less than eighteen of these statutes. These are recorded in the Theodosian and in the Justinian codes, to the disgrace of their priestly and imperial authors. What Antichrist was pleased to call heresy (much of which was truth and righteousness..............*Vol. II, page 236.) was classed as worse than infidelity, and both were opposed by kings, emperors and theologians; and both were persecuted, especially the former, by the Inquisition." VOL II <PAGE 333>
Mind control involves the use of fear. Of course the dubs can't start another inquistion. But they'd like to as evidenced by the following from one of their magazines.
<<<"The law of the land and God’s law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship.">>>
No different than radical Muslims. Just fair and balanced reporting. -
One falsehood that stands out like a sore thumb is the "free bible study" , we all know this thing isn't free and they want people to start paying for kingdom halls and assemblies ..... You don't pay up you are considered a spiritual free loader .