what is the official JW view on bible students?

by hamilcarr 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamilcarr

    While visiting some bible students sites, I wondered what the official JW view on these organizations is. Are they part of Babylon the Great simply because of refuting the post-1916 developments and the governing body? As far as I know, they do not adhere to any of the false teachings JW like to refer to in debunking the RCC and traditional protestantism, such as hellfire, trinity, immortal soul. It seems that Rev. 18:4 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues' is not sufficient for christian salvation. I think JW like to downplay the importance of embracing the authority of the Governing Body in order to be eligible for salvation.

    Any remarks on the official JW view on these (small) organizations?

  • freydi

    For the most part they deny their existance.

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    The pompous Watchtower corporation still brands the Bible Students who went their separate way as the "evil slave class". More specifically, it was J R Rutherford who dreamed up that one. Yes, EVIL EVIL EVIL for not following Joseph Rutherford.

    How absolutely arrogant & ridiculous can you get.

  • Mariusuk.

    If you are not with the WTBTS you are against them

    Really this is "Being a Jehovah's Witness 101"

  • alanv

    It doesn't matter to them how devout you are, how faithful you are or how well you know your bible you will be for the scrapheap if you do not recognise God's appointed channel i e the governing body.You could reject all that the society reject even preach the good news and spread God's name, if you are doing this seperate from the society it will not save you at Armaggeddon. Sick isn't it. So different from Jesus and the apostles attitude.

  • freeme

    bibelstudents are the evil slave, part of babylon the great. wrong religion, nothing better than voodoo magic. funny if you think that ppl who believed the same thing 1914 were once the one true channel to god xD

    most jws doesnt know they exist though. some know not everyone who was a biblestudent became a jw, but they think it were just a couple of apostates who hate jesus and jehovah who left. biblestudents arent existing anymore in the jw mind. and if they know the biblestudents they think they are evil ones who stole the old name of the true religion.

  • blondie

    The WTS would like its members to believe that the Bible Students disappeared and no longer exist. I was surprised to find quite a few groups (no central organization)

  • Zico

    Tell a JW the bible students are still around following Russell's teachings. It always shocks them.

    I wonder why the WTS denies their existence?

  • yknot

    The gem I appreciate most about the Bible Students is there insistance that Russell isn't the founder of the JWs, Rutherford has that title all to himself. After comparing the doctrines, I tend to agree.

  • kurtbethel

    In the Proclaimers book and elsewhere, the WT invert reality and insist that the Bible Students rebelled and went apostate against Jehovah's organization.

    A little research turns up that the Bible Students have plodded along with Russell's teachings fairly intact. They did not want anything to do with where Rutherford took the Watchtower down apostate lane, for which Rutherford roundly ranted and denounced them.

    I have talked to some and have a copy of Divine Plan and other literature I got from them. I showed my study conductor the chart with the pyramid and how the 1914 doctrine was derived from it. I insisted that it was what the FDS taught us so it must be channeled from those spirits and must be true.


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