As you sit here quietly reading these words your transdimensional organ of neural coordination and quantum consciousness is quietly performing miracles without your waking awareness. The uploading and downloading gigabits of information that make you, you, are silently and relentlessly radiating throughout the whole hyper-dimensional universe but most importantly to the 3 lb. lump of flesh sitting on the top of the collective bacterial colonies (some 90% of all your cells) that make your miserable existence possible. Suddenly, there is disorder in this peaceful scene, especially among those old farts here on this board that have been here like forever (or maybe six years or so ago) when they finally figured out that old Mindchild is back in the playpen. Okay, so much for the baloney. I left the ex-JW online world somewhere around 5-6 years ago and finally got a life. Ha! And you thought it would never happen (sly grin) What brought me back to this never-never land is a question I will ask in another post. But for the moment, I just want to say Hi to all you loveable and enduring characters, (you know Simon, Farkel, and other impossibly old fogies) and tip my hat to you. My life has been damn fantastic (it shows all you newbie ex-dubs that life is possible after the big Borg) and I’m about to become a multimillionaire. I still have my scientific career and I’m working on consciousness and PSI (parapsychology stuff if you want to get freaked out) and making cool discoveries but not getting rich. I’m getting rich from plain old business entrepreneurship and fast track innovative ideas that make wealthy corporations dump money on me. Not that I’m bragging, I worked my ass off to get to this point…just want you to know it is possible for an ex-dub to make good without selling his soul. Oh wait, didn’t I sell that at a discount some years back? Ha Cha Cha Cha Mindchild Please note that no Witnesses were cursed or otherwise mentally defiled in making this post...I'm so over the Borg.
Take a good look at this old ex-dub the cat drug in
by Mindchild_rebooted 12 Replies latest jw friends
Hi Mindchild renovated, rebooted, restored, refinanced.
I remember you from some years back as Mindchild.
How about this post: y'all gotta see this:
Do ya think with all that larnin'
You could put a few paragraph breaks in your post'
My eyes are por an I canna see,
I don look so good.
So what's your take on remote viewing?
Here, lemme help with the formatting:
As you sit here quietly reading these words your transdimensional organ of neural coordination and quantum consciousness is quietly performing miracles without your waking awareness. The uploading and downloading gigabits of information that make you, you, are silently and relentlessly radiating throughout the whole hyper-dimensional universe but most importantly to the 3 lb. lump of flesh sitting on the top of the collective bacterial colonies (some 90% of all your cells) that make your miserable existence possible.
Suddenly, there is disorder in this peaceful scene, especially among those old farts here on this board that have been here like forever (or maybe six years or so ago) when they finally figured out that old Mindchild is back in the playpen.
Okay, so much for the baloney. I left the ex-JW online world somewhere around 5-6 years ago and finally got a life. Ha! And you thought it would never happen (sly grin)
What brought me back to this never-never land is a question I will ask in another post. But for the moment, I just want to say Hi to all you loveable and enduring characters, (you know Simon, Farkel, and other impossibly old fogies) and tip my hat to you.
My life has been damn fantastic (it shows all you newbie ex-dubs that life is possible after the big Borg) and I’m about to become a multimillionaire. I still have my scientific career and I’m working on consciousness and PSI (parapsychology stuff if you want to get freaked out) and making cool discoveries but not getting rich. I’m getting rich from plain old business entrepreneurship and fast track innovative ideas that make wealthy corporations dump money on me. Not that I’m bragging, I worked my ass off to get to this point…just want you to know it is possible for an ex-dub to make good without selling his soul.
Oh wait, didn’t I sell that at a discount some years back? Ha
Cha Cha Cha
Please note that no Witnesses were cursed or otherwise mentally defiled in making this post...I'm so over the Borg.
Glad to help.
gently feral
(((( Skipper ))))
Hi interesting visit to the forum morgue huh? I apologize with great relish and sincerity for the smashed together text. Apparently this forum didn't like the nicely formatted version I put in originally. Thank you GentlyFeral for your cleaned up version. Nice to see you around by the way. Scully, ah the memories your name brings back! Avishai...remote viewing, been there done that, I'm not all that great at it myself but I believe there is enough evidence for it working, not to think it crazy. I'm much better at PK and PSI.
Any friend of Scully's is a friend of mine. Welcome back, glad you dropped in.
Glad you are back!
Burger Time
Welcome to the millionaire club....errr no wait, I hate you.