Hey yall, I'm looking to see what book/books that show the rapid decline of JW membership, cause of the failed 75 prediction. I've read from different internet sources it was around 800,000 from the mid 70's to 1980. Is there a particular JW book I can find this in? Maybe I could compare the mid 70's yearbooks? Thanks for your help. This forum has very valuable information. Blessings...........
Where do I find the numbers of the mass JW exodus cause of 1975?
by middleman 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
1975 9.7%
1976 3.7%
1977 -1.0%
1978 -1.4%
1979 0.5%
*** yb78 p. 32 1978 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***Kingdom preaching activity from 216 countries under the supervision of 96 branches reached a peak of 2,223,538 publishers. This was a decrease when compared with the year 1976.There are various factors contributing to this. With a decrease in the number of those reporting, it is understandable that the hours spent (321,424,305) of those reporting would be less.
The published decrease statistics need to be compared with the baptisms during the same period. Even though the JWs were baptizing many during this period the number preaching from door to door dropped significantly. There was a LA Times article that had a good graph about this.
Count me in...I was one of them...
I started my fade in 1974. It had nothing to do with 1975, I was just fed up with it all.
Ken P.
Note what the Proclaimers book, page 633 states:
"Following 1925, meeting attendance dropped dramatically in some congregations in France and Switzerland. Again, in 1975, there was disappointment when expectations regarding the start of the Millennium failed to materialize. As a result, some withdrew from the organization. Others, because they sought to subvert the faith of associates, were disfellowshipped. No doubt, disappointment over the date was a factor, but in some instances the roots went deeper. Some individuals also argued against the need to participate in the house-to-house ministry. Certain ones did not simply choose to go their own way; they became aggressive in opposing the organization with which they had been associated, and they made use of the public press and television to air their views. Nevertheless, the number who defected was relatively small."
Good whitewash job for 1925 and 1975. They tell us the number who defected was small, but don't give any figures. Yes, it was small enough to make them take note that meeting attendance dropped DRAMATICALLY in some countries and that dissapointment over the dates was only one factor and to disfellowship dissenters.
You got a lot of guts, dropping out one year before the big A. You could've missed out on Paradise.
When I saw the year text for 1974 (If the fig tree fails to bloom . . . ) I kicked the Kingdom Hall door on the way out. I knew that text had been decided on and printed in 1973 and all the 1975 hype was just a scam.
I didn't like being a Witness and I didn't like many of the Witness people. It was hard for me to be a Witness on a good day. Seeing that year text was a light bulb moment for me. The genie was out of the bottle. The Witness people made it easy for me to quit associating with them. When I quit, not one contacted me for 9 years, then two elders made a surprise visit on me.
I asked the two elders 10 questions and they never answered even one to this day. That was 1984. I wasn't shunned or snubbed until 1992 when my Witness relatives disfellowshipped me. They actually did me a favor. That's when I read COC and started on my research and re-education. In 1995 I went on the offensive. That worked very well. If ya want to see an elder run like a rat in a spot light, go after em with a newspaper reporter. -
This site doesn't have 1974-1979 but it's interesting none-the-less.