First - let me point out that (for those that do not know this), neither my wife nor any of her family are JWs. My wife studied with a JW - but that was many years ago. She never got too far into the JW religion - but got a knowledge of what - and who they are. (She has also pointed out several discrepancies in their teachings - to what they practice).
Anyway... on to my story of the day.
Yesterday, my wife picked up her mom's mail at the postbox. She went through it getting all of her mail out, and noticed one letter to her mom. Later that evening, when she phoned ler mom, she mentioned the letter... it was addressed to her dad - and mom. Her dad has been deceased for almost 3 years now, so that kinda raises a red flag - that someone hasn't gotten the memo.
Her mom told her (over the phone) to open the letter - to see who it was from - and my wife did. She pulled out a 1-page letter... and a tract. She asked me... "Is this one of the JW tracts?" I looked at it, and saw the usual JW 'branch' addresses on the back page. I told her, "Yeah, it is."
The letter was basically telling her mom that... well... I truly don't remember. It was the usual door-to-door drivel... only in letter form. The tract was something to do with 'Coping with Depression' - or somesuch. I tried reading a bit of it... but honestly... it made no sense - those words that I read. The return address was the one for the church behind us. The woman who wrote it put her name to it, though.
I felt it ironic that they would publish a tract on 'Depression' - when many of their own members seem to suffer from it.
Oh - the letter - and tract - destined for the garbage can.
Jim TX