Program jws have to locate each other in emergency

by Velvetann 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Velvetann

    Hi everyone

    Did anyone hear about the special program the Jws had or have for locating each one of the faithful ones when the great tribulation occurs or something like that. My JW Mom who passed away in 2006 was going on and on about this but I didn't want to ask to much. I would get an earful of preaching then. She said that they were setting up a special program for when the time came that the government would go after them as foretold in the Scriptures. I seem to remember something about when false religion was destroyed the Wild Beast would attack Jehovahs people or something. I have forgotten so much, haven't opened a bible in 20 years.

    It all seemed so dramatic, but 1 1/2 years later and still no need for the program

    Just wondering

    VelvetAnn from Ontario Canada out of the Lie for 25 years

  • daniel-p

    All it was was just the book study conductors keeping copies of phone numbers, etc, of everyone in their group. BFD.


    When a Jehovah`s Witness has an emergency..The local congregation refer`s them to a government agency.....The WBT$ "Safety Net" for JW`s,is a Farce..It dosen`t exist...........Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • NeonMadman

    Did it have anything to do with planting a microchip in, say, their foreheads and right hands?

  • Velvetann


    neonmadman that is so funny. In my Moms case It seemed like she did have one inplanted, she idolized the elders, went into a trance like state when one of them talked to her or phoned her. Anyway I just wanted to ask because she made such a big deal about it and it sounded all so important and Dramatic.

    Thanks everyone for your input. I have been burying all these fears for years, now its so great to be able to ask and know what is going on.


  • Cc81

    i seem to remember the lists.. addresses and phone numbers of each and every person that they passed out to everyone in the congregations back in the day.. That could just be lists too though.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    The Branch sent out a letter to Elders about 2 yrs ago re: Disaster Preparedness. Included was instructions telling them to have each CBSO collect contact info for each drone including an out-of-state contact person that could be reached in case local phones aren't working.

    Our body sprang into action and got about 25% of the congo's info updated before the next CO visit.

    He was a little bit irritated and included this on his report to Corporate.

    Our body sprinted into action and had about 40% of the congo completed before his next visit.

    He was pissed. (And included this on his report to Corporate.)

    Our body did shoe-string tackles of publishers for the next 6 months and got about 60% of the congo updated before a NEW CO rode into town.

    He saw the previous report, but since it wasn't his ego that was getting the finger, he just noted it in his report to Corporate.

    Our body then drug out blood-hounds, thumbscrews and water boards during the next 6 months. They've got info on about 90% now.

    The new guy seems to be OK with it.

    I have full confidence that I will be spared through whatever catastrophes lie between now and tiger-petting time.


  • fokyc

    You can't keep information like that in the UK without having a Data Controller

    Now one of the elders has to have the title 'Data Controller' usually the secretary, very important post!


  • Velvetann

    The Branch sent out a letter to Elders about 2 yrs ago re: Disaster Preparedness. Included was instructions telling them to have each CBSO collect contact info for each drone including an out-of-state contact person that could be reached in case local phones aren't working.

    Open mind

    thanks that is the word my MOM used Disaster Preparedness, I blanked it all out. it was about 2 years ago when she told me that. As I said she made it sound like the end was near and the elders were making it urgent for the congregation flock to do the contact info thing. I know it was a ploy to scare me back to the Borg. For me fear of Armageddon was always there but even that threat was not enough to get me back there. I just hated the whole thing, the people, the rules, the way they act, the way they talk, they are like puppets. I always said that I would rather die than be a JW, and its true, but now its great to know I don't have to die because I am not one Did my parents ever do a good job of instilling the "truth" in me.

    It sounds you still have some inside connections going on.


  • tula
    I seem to remember something about when false religion was destroyed the Wild Beast would attack Jehovahs people or something

    Duh-uh? Members of the WTS are NOT truly Jehovah's people.

    Just imagine...suppose it is revealed that the WTS is entertwined with the political system and plays an active part in "marking people" (ha. like they don't already!)

    Just imagine how little effort it will take to find those they want to chase down. JWs have even listed info as to where they will be if they are not at home. They have also given two or three alternative contacts in their info that they have turned into WTS. about no place to hide!

    Those JWs who have revealed so much contact info will have no secrets and never a place to "hide out" from the GB

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