Memorial 2008 Protest - will you join me?

by besty 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    There's been a few threads about how to campaign against the WTS - various suggestions including appointing a charismatic leader, (do they get appointed? I thought they just kind of appeared, self-appointed), printing a brochure(OK we're in the 21st century lets make it a blog, cheaper and easier to distribute), calling the bethel and boycotting a meeting.

    Which all got me to thinking, what can I do, and what if everybody else (or a lot) could do the same? And the memorial is definitely a special occasion on which to mount an attack.

    Is there a way to screw up the partakers figures? Boycott a meeting? Raise doubts with active JW's? All in one easy hit that wouldn't cost much time, money or here's my cunning plan for 2008 Memorial night.

    Go to the nearest Memorial meeting where nobody knows you. Suited, booted, NWT + songbook. (You are going to be anointed for one night only so you may as well look the part)

    Sit near the front.

    Take the emblems with the right amount of fuss to get noticed, but not too much.

    Hang around afterwards, offering to pray with any nosey parker elders, telling them you are out of town on business or whatever seems right.

    If you are an active JW you have missed your own Memorial (statement to those who notice) - any people from your own K asking where you were you could tell them that you feel uncomfortable going to a meeting for the anointed, what with the the society teaching we need the WTS as an intermediary and Jesus not being our Mediator and all. You felt best to pray and read scriptures at home - (insert appropriate scriptures supporting Jesus as only mediator, no one comes to the Father etc etc). You have also added 1 to the partaker figure, and got the congregation you are visiting chatting to each other for sure - mention loudly the relief you felt when the 1935 teaching had been scrapped. You can't close the door to heaven after all....right?

    If you are inactive all of the above applies equally - it might just be easier to find a KH nearby where you are definitely unknown.

    Well thats my plan and I'll post the results after the Sham-orial.

  • besty

    I've had a quick look at the Fleece the Flock book and Letters to BOE and can't find any reference to counting those taking the emblems that aren't members of that particular KH.

    Can any elders advise?

  • OnTheWayOut

    While they cannot drag me to it this year, if they drug me and drag me, I will partake.
    It ain't gunna happen in my case, but it is interesting.

    There is nothing in writing about counting the partakers and excluding some
    (at least nothing in writing I know of). Still, the elders generally decide that some
    are not worthy of being counted. It depends on the elders. At the halls I have been to,
    they just told the servers (elders and MS's usually) to note any partakers.
    Since I haven't ever seen any partakers, I don't know what my BOE would do to
    discount some people.

  • tula

    You are still partaking at the devil's table.

    Take a stand for the truth.

    Open your mouth and speak the truth.

    Get out of her oh my people!

  • besty

    Charlie Russell was a curtain maker from Pittsburgh - not really the Devil.

    I don't believe in the Devil or his table and I'm certainly not going to let a 2000 year old collection of arbitrary rantings tell me what to get into or out of.

    What KH shall we meet at Tula? :-)

  • Honesty
    Hang around afterwards, offering to pray with any nosey parker elders, telling them you are out of town on business or whatever seems right.

    As soon as you offer to pray with them they will know you aren't a JW.

  • besty

    ok no praying afterwards

  • multifarious

    You're not really gonna do that are you?

  • besty

    erm yes I am really gonna do that - why not? as my 2 year old boy frequently asks

  • quietlyleaving

    count me in besty although I prefer to have a small accident with the bread and wine - that maybe a route for faders.

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