You Might be a Apostate If..........
You've ever woken up at 3AM with an urgent need to use the bathroom, and on the way back thought, "I'll just check and see who’s on Jehovahs-Witness.Com"
You've ever dreamt about disfellowshiping the Governing Body.
The sound of Kingdom Songs makes you gag.
The last time you got out to meet your neighbors was in 1994 when you went door-to-door.
You've gone 72 hours without sleep because "of an apostate fest!"
When someone mentions "SATAN" you don't think of the devil.
Fred Hall doesn’t like you.
You call 911 when an elder comes around.
Your spouse is taking up witchcraft, and your kids love dinosaurs.
You have blue Smurfs in your living room.
You've ever used the phrase "I love kickin You Know!"
Your lifelong dream is to get a check from Brooklyn for all the hours you spent preaching.
Your apostate buds call YOU for moral support.
You think "your posts" should be made into a book.
You've been obsessed with Xena in the chat room.
You think your phone is tapped.
Your phone IS tapped.
You make odd calls to the United Nations and ask about getting library cards.
The amount of JW literature you own fits in one hand.
If (you-have-read-this-post):-)
"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein