The Bible says in Matthew 7:13: "Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." But the Watchtower 2/15/06, page 12 says: What is happening in Bolivia’s isolated towns is but a small part of a worldwide ingathering that was foretold in Revelation chapter 7, which tells of a gathering during “the Lord’s day” of those who will survive the great tribulation. (Revelation 1:10; 7:9-14) Never before in human history have millions from all nations been united in worship of the only true God. What thrilling evidence that the fulfillment of God’s promises is near! So, is the narrow gate going to be able to accomodate the worldwide ingathering? You can't have it both ways. If few are going to have the truth and be saved, don't look for a huge ingathering. The Wit-lesses crow about the great increase, but their net growth is about equal to the worlds population increase. So which is it, a great ingathering or "few are the ones finding it"?
The Witnesses want it both ways.
by isnrblog 14 Replies latest jw experiences
I know what you mean.. I wondered that while I was a JW ...
You mean a bit like how God speeds the work up in his time?
But the love of the Greater number is cooling off? -
It'll be just a small trickle of new JW's from Bolivia. They're looking for backsliding Catholics, which has always been a target market of theirs.
They'll never crack open China or India, which between them have about one-third of the world's population. They also won't crack Islamic countries. But they want their members to have the illusion that the work is growing significantly, to give them something to feel good about.
Omg I thought this thread was about threesomes?
Burger Time
Franz brought this up in ISOCF and I had never thought about it. JW's offer a easy and marketed way to make it through! Far from the hard and narrow path!
When you consider that aside from the existing population, 70 million are added each year in exess of replacement for ones who are dying, it is hard to imagine how anyone can realistically claim the good news will be preached in all the inhabited Earth! There was more likelihood of that in the past than in the future!
Observing %ages and nubers takes no account of each person in their own right - Oh but sorry that never was the case was it?
I get what they mean, though. The "millions" is small compared to the billions their
God will destroy (according to them). This is not much of a point to understand IMO.
And don't you worry. There will be very few of them left by the time any Armageddon
arrives. -
I agree. If you look at the numbers, over 2 million have been DF'd in the past 20 years with many more simply becoming inctive. At some point, the former Witnesses will outnumber the present membership.
Tired of the Hypocrisy