Science fiction book suggestions...

by zeroday 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips

    I've heard Ender's game is good. I might pick that one up.

  • Abandoned
    If you are willing to try a little more on the fantasy side, anything by Roger Zelazney (sp?) ESPECIALLY the Chronicles of Amber.

    I second this. Plus, the final five books of this series (there are ten in all) have more of a science fiction feel to them than fantasy due to their deep roots in computers. The entire series has been my overall favorite for somewhere around twenty years.

  • joelbear69

    childhood's end.

    Foundation series by Asimov.

  • RunningMan
    Ok, so if I were to read one Vonnegut, which one should be my first?

    Over the years, I think I have read all of Vonnegut's books. Ironically, I just finished rereading "Slaughterhouse Five" and am currently rereading "Breakfast of Champions."

    Personally, I consider "Slaughterhouse Five" to be my all time favourite book, although, I can't classify it science fiction. It's sort of a hybrid - nothing else like it.

    This fall, I read the Dark Materials trilogy (Golden Compass). It's not something I would normally have read, but the Catholic Church came out against it, so I figured it must have had something going for it. It was quite good.

    Asimov's Foundation series (7 books) was good, but I found that I enjoyed it immensely when I was a teenager, not so much now. Vonnagut, on the other hand, ages well, and I actually enjoy him more as I get older.

    Ray Bradbury's short stories are also good.

    And, of course, don't forget Kilgore Trout...

  • JeffT

    Stand on Zanzibar by John Brunner The Mote in God's Eye by Niven and Pournelle (or any number of others they're written together)

  • Mariusuk.

    Michael Crichton's Timeline was pretty good. A bit dry in spots but overall, was well written.

    Yeah it was quite good

    I prefer Prey though, nanobots!!!

  • RunningMan

    Kpax by Gene Brewer, and it's sequel On a Beam of Light

    And, don't forget the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • primitivegenius

    im strictly sci fi and fantasy................ my favorite author of all time in the fantasy genre is MickeyZuckerReichert more specificly her renshi series is without equal and her nightfall series is quite good as well. norse mythology and swords.......... how can you get better than that.

  • Mariusuk.
    Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Best book ever, and also perhaps the funniest book ever, the only book in fact that has actually managed to make laugh so much while reading it that I had to put it down while rolling around floundering and laughing

    Don't panic!

  • Caedes

    Orson Scott Card - he wrote the ender series mentioned previously. Ender's game is good but xenocide and speaker for the dead are awesome.

    Peter F Hamilton - The nights dawn trilogy - epic books, although make sure you have a substantial bookshelf for the weight.

    Iain M Banks - the algebraist - one of his best books in years.

    Harry Turtledove - I read the world war series first (alien lizards invade at the start of WW2) and I'm just about to start on his most recent in which the confederate states and the united states are about to start a nuclear war on each other. These books will also need sturdy shelving.

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