Home made salsa (diced tomatoes, tobasco, onion, capsicum, chillies, splash of vinegar) with celery and carrot sticks. Very healthy, lots of vegies, no fat content.
~Mmm. Tell us your healthy snack ideas/recipes~
by FlyingHighNow 50 Replies latest jw friends
- "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
For me, it's the opposite. I'm allergic to raw apples. They're okay if they're cooked.
I'm the same way with kiwi too. -
For breakfast:
1/2 to 1 cup of non-fat plain yogurt
2 tsp of craisins
1/3 cup of lo-fat granola
1/3 cup of mandarin oranges
1 tsp flax seed
1/2 to whole kiwi cut up
Makes a great breakfast, very filling and tasty!
Similar to what you said FHN - an orange cut into fourths and then eaten like that. Also a tomato thinly sliced with a little freshly ground black pepper on- NO SALT.
Thanks, everyone. I prefer cooked apples myself, Nos. If an apple has a very good texture and flavor though, I like it raw. Roasted tomatoes, salsa, yogurt/fruit/flax seeds... all of your ideas sound good.
Keep them coming. Sparky's like the most beautiful woman on the forum, after Mouthy. If eating roasted tomatoes helped her, I'm all for that!
chop up assorted veg whatever you have
maybe squash courgettes carrots swede onions tomatoes yams peppers potatoes anything that will roast, garlic cloves chopped or whole.
toss in a bit of olive oil, herbs, pesto and/or spices to taste (can do sweet(honey) spicy(chilli?) savoury mixes pending on your preference)
leave to roast away in the oven till cooked, can eat it hot, cold or reheat in microwave
grab portion everytime you go into kitchen,
nice in a wrap or just by itself with a blob of creme fraiche/sourcream, goes well as side dish for main mealcan be frozen if you make in bulk or if theres any left.
Okay, these are not *as* healthy as some of the snacks listed, but are a great treat for morning coffee, or with fruit, make a whole breakfast:
Lowfat Scones
1 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
Dash salt (if desired)
1/3 cup applesauce (no sugar added)
1/4 cup skim milk
1/2 cup raisins
Mix dry ingredients together. Add applesauce and stir until it gets clumpy. Form a bowl in the middle and pour in the milk. Mix well, then stir in raisins. Drop by table spoon onto a lightly floured baking sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes at 450 degrees (should be just turning golden brown on top). Makes about a half dozen, depending on how big your table spoon is (mine is serving size).
These are nice, fluffy biscuit-style scones, with no added fat or sugar. They're also *very* good with chopped up pears or peaches in them instead of (or in addition to) raisins. I'm thinking I'll try dried cranberries next.
Jankyn (in favor of less processed sugar, but still likin' those baked goods with coffee in the morning)
FHN~ your a sweetheart. Thank you
Mmmmm, I love grapefruit. I don't think I eat it as healthy as you, as I like to pour on some sugar.
Dammit, dammit, dammit. Can't eat grapefruit due to my meds. Lemme see, I make my own hummus using a food processor, garbanzo's, lemon, olive oil, sea salt, etc. Baba ganoush is pretty good and easy to make, sometimes I'll just make a snack tray, pickles, kalamata's, pita bread, hummus, cheese, etc. I also make a mean salsa.