Marital Separation - Your Experiences

by Bourne 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lesterd

    Jehovahs blessings for her faithfullness,

  • lesterd

    cant make an omelet with out cracking eggs, and thats when you find out what rotten about a JW marraige

  • Scully

    In my profession, I've seen plenty of marriages where each partner comes from a different religious background.

    The ones that seem to be working are the ones where the belief systems are not the priority - the marriage is.

    Likewise, the ones that seem to have the most tension and conflict are where one partner expects the other partner to acquiesce to the demands of their beliefs, and the other partner doesn't want to do that. More often than not, it is the male partner imposing his unbending fundamentalist beliefs (whatever denomination they happen to be) on the female partner, expecting her to be subservient and using his religious ideology to justify his demands and his behaviour.

    To me, that kind of relationship is not a partnership, it's slavery - and I let women know that it is OK to assert themselves and expect their wishes, their beliefs and their selves to be respected.

  • Bourne

    Thanx for the editing work, Scully. Ever since working with Firefox, I just can't seem to make it work.

    Maybe it's time to go back to Explorer 7, as much as I hate to.


    P.S. I like the drop-down "Edit Reason" list. Pretty funny stuff.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Being jws as such it has to be one of the worst religions around regarding a divided marriage it just doesn't work out.

    Perhaps a slow and gradual presentation on how the WTS. is and will always be a bogus publishing company disguised its self as

    a righteous religion, in simple terms a Corporation is business and its structured to sell their merchandise and make money thats " The Truth "

    This is nothing more than exploiting peoples fears and anxieties and maybe ignorance to cultivate and extend their sales.

    It has been that way in the past and will continue in the future.

    I feel for you Bro, have been there ........take care

  • flipper

    BOURNE- One thing I found out when my ex-wife separated from me over 4 years ago is unless adultery is involved - in a Jehovah's Witness separation the elders are not very supportive at all of the situation. In fact - they watch you like a hawk to see if you are going to slip up and commit a grievous offense against the holy spirit ! LOL! I think they post little men around your house at night to see if you slipped some chick in undercover ! When my non-witness ex-wife left me ( she was a drug abuser, violent towards me and my teenagers ) the elders tried to get me to take her back, as she had left me to pursue her druggie ways. I told the elders I would not take her back as she was a danger to me and my teenagers .

    I had filed for divorce from her after 3 months separating . I was having lunch with a female aquaintance and someone from the congregation ratted me out for having lunch with this friend. The elders immediately drew up a kangaroo committee with 3 elders and before the next meeting , started the Nazi interrogation process. I essentially told them to go screw themselves and told them I was offended at them imputing wrong motives to me when nothing had happened . I walked out of the kingdom hall, picked my books up from my seat, and never went back ! Don't miss it either !

    In time I met a great woman who is now my wife ; and yes I was scripturally free as druggie ex-wife gave me that freedom. I have never been happier. Bourne it will work out for you in time . You'll attain happiness again - just don't let the elders mind control you into doing something you don't want to do. Just my 2 cents ! Good luck to you, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • freedomfighter

    This thread is amazing with it's timing!

    Last night, my wife (who is still a JW) and myself, decided to seperate. We agree that after 12yrs of marriage we are on different roads. She wants to stay in "The Truth" and i am never going back. We want to keep things as civil as possible, and are still friends. With an 8yr old son we are still his Mum and Dad.

    If you having nothing better to do, you can read my last thread. Things were going to get very messy with the house etc.

    Well, the in-laws are selling up and we are all going our seperate ways. My wife will live with her Mum.

    I am now about to be single again, i am only 35 and it is almost exciting for me. Will i meet someone? Will i not? Who knows?

    I like the thought of the unknown factor.

    My regards to all those on this board who are going through hard times with their spouse. I hope things work out as best they can.


  • oompa

    My wife left the USA and got pregnant by a total stranger.......we had two great kids, 7 and 9.....and had a great marriage of 15 years...she was nuts and on lots of meds. you would have to be nuts to leave a guy like me.....I just love saying that, as it often kept me from crying. I still tried to make it work because marriage is forever....but could just not do it....I did not want another kid, much less another mans kid.............How am i even alive after that? The kid has my last name, because in NC they require a 1 year separation prior to divorce. They will not allow a divorce if your wife is pregnant even by antother man....that adds to the list of illegitimate children born. Seperation sucks and was a painful time for me because I had to take care of my nuts wife, get her a home, and prepare her for life on her took three years and now she works for me, and is one of the best employees I have ever had....she help me start my company after all......I say..always put the kids big happy family.........................................................oompa

  • cognac
    My wife and I have been going through some troubles since I stopped going to meetings. I honestly can't say what will come of it; if we can have a happy life together. I think at the moment, we both feel something is missing. Perhaps part of it is that we are still around all the people who know us in the congregation. We haven't made a "fresh start" since I've been fading. Her dreams of being in the truth and worshipping with a companion are dashed, and she'll never have it while she's with me. Is it selfish of me to deny her this, sticking with her?

    wow, a bit close to home with me... sucks big time to feel like that... sorry you have to go through that...

  • Bourne

    I admire your courage, oompa. I don't know that I would have handled your situation as well as you have.

    It seems that everyone who has posted their story here has had to endure and learn from their individual experience.

    It helps to read of others' trials to know that you are not alone and I applaude all who have posted, thus far, in sharing your story.


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