Slowly but surely...

by nvrgnbk 24 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • BFD

    oompa, how can something clean come out of something filthy?


  • dinah

    Yeah the brothers in Malawi have my heart to this day. It was senseless. Then the GB joins up with what they call the beast, and it's all hunky dinky.

    It's beyond immoral, it's beyond anything acceptable even to dogs.

    Read CoC and see what was going on in Mexico at the same time the Malawi travesty was happening. It made me so sick, I threw up. And not just a little in my mouth, either.

  • JWdaughter

    Hey Oompa, I would agree that it was no big deal-except that they have vilified that org. for its entire existence. They would DF any JW for joining a similar type of association. There is NOTHING wrong with anyone BUT the WTS joining. They are the only ones that make it wrong, and they have proven their conceit and hubris in doing so-while denying children association with others as 'bad associations', vilifying things like joining the Y. Anything they said, people did. Then they proved that it really doesn't matter even to them who they are associated with.

    So, they go back and say-the entire UN demonization policy was wrong and we deeply regret it. Then, they can join with impunity. Right after they promise to stop DFing people who are joining the Y or boy scouts or the young republicans.

    I hope all is well with you and your family. If I could send you and your wife a hug, I would!


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Absolute power can at many times become hypocritical once it is closely looked at

    Oompa if they were doing nothing wrong as by their set standards why did they recede that association with the UN

    once it was revealed to the public ?

    Also something to think about is who and what group is watching over what the GB members are doing in how they run the organization.

    NO ONE

    Now will those involved in creating that involvement be penalized for making that association


  • Cold Creek Swimmer
    Cold Creek Swimmer


    Here is my question to you: If going swimming at the Y is considered apostasy, then how can they actually join and promote the very organization that they claim is the whore of babylon and the wild beast of revelation? The very offspring of Satan as it were? I just wanna go swimming. They think I'm getting innerfaith treatment. Yet they become a member of this "Horrible terrible" organization and it's status quo for them. Do the math.


  • GoingGoingGone

    An elder I know was asked about the UN membership after seeing the letter on the UN site. The elder said he would call people in-the-know at Bethel, and a week later reported that the WTS knew nothing about being signed up at the UN as an NGO. He said that when it was brought to their attention, they immediately withdrew their membership.

    I know it's a load of crap, but I have wondered if there is proof somewhere that the WTS signed themselves up. Something signed by someone at Bethel. The Bethel representative who withdrew the membership in 2001 has his name online, but I couldn't find anything to prove that those documents were signed by anyone at Headquarters when they joined.

    Does anyone know if there is any documentation like that out there? It might be helpful for someone other than me....


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    GGG I've seen a what looked like a legitimate letter from the Borg that did indeed they had applied for an NGO status

    but it was claimed by them that it was just done to make available to them the library that is apparently there .

    I think there is a thread about the UN scandal in this forum if you want to search for it.

  • tula

    They can break their vows for a lousy library card

    Why does that remind me of the story about the guy who sold his birthright for a bowl of beef stew?

  • moshe

    All the elders have heard many of these questions before and they are just staying loyal to the WT party line by hushing up the bros. who ask the questions. Bottom dollar- the JW's are scared of the Org. A whipped bunch they are indeed.

  • WTWizard

    Besides the UN scandal, I hope the pedophile problems become common kowledge in the witless community. And not just as isolated incidents that any religion can develop, nor as a problem that temporarily got out of control but they are now cracking down hard on. This has been going on since the 1980s, and likely even before that, and they know about the problem. So far, in more than 20 years, they have done nothing.

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