WOW! Somebody is Biblically focussed!!! I'll just give you the answers...okay? For now.
1. see the disgusting thing standing in a holy place.
The "disgusting thing" was the Natsie Army surrounding Warsaw, Poland, in 1949, the largest settlement of Jews in the world at the time and thus the "holy place". Also the "holy place" represents Jehovah's witnesses and thus the direct attack by the Germans on them represents them standing in a "holy place."
2. Understand what the holy place is.
The "holy place" is where the natural Jews resided in Easten Europe, primarily Warsaw, Poland, and also spiritually, JWs are considered the "holy place".
3. Understand who the man of lawlessness is.
The MOL is the GB of JW.
4. Understand who is acting as a restraint and how he gets to be out of the way.
Often misunderstood. The one acting as a restraint to revealing who the MOL is, is Satan himself. When he is moved out of the way, then the MOL gets revealed. The MOL was revealed on November 10, 1992. He is revealed during the "last hour" meaning 7 years following the 11 hours of work in the vineyard. One hour is 7 years. The 11 hours of work begins in 1914 and ends 77 years later in 1991. The last hour, the 12th hour, is from 1991-1998. That is when the messiah arrives after the MOL is revealed and exposed and starts to pay the workers, the last to the first.
5. How the man of lawlessness enters the temple and how he lifts himself up above a god.
The "temple" represents the public "temple" organization of the anointed JWs. The MOL is thus part of God's temple and in charge of it. How else could it rise up in the "temple of THE God" and make itself a god. This just means that all the anointed are to be honored and godlike but the GB makes itself superior to the other anointed ones, making themselves "God's channel". When anyone disagrees with them, they kick them out of the organization, call them apostates, etc., even when they are clearly wrong.
6. Understand what the apostasy is mentioned by the Apostle Paul.
The apostasy is the corruption of the Christian church by the "Mysteries", BTG and it's pagan concepts. The Catholic Church is the purest example of mix of paganism and pseudo-Christianity. Even "The Da Vinci Code" book eludes to the fact that the Catholic Church became the temple of the Divine Female, the Mother Goddess, when Mary became the "Mother of God." Thus the pagan house worshipping the divine female, actually the identity of Satan in heaven, who was once married to Christ before their divorce in Eden, transferred to Christianity with the elevation of Mary. Mary is now the Divine Feminine and the Mother Goddess. The Madonna and Child is just a version of the "Woman and her seed" which is what Genesis 3:15 calls Satan. But there is a double fulfillment, in that even withing God's own chosen temple, Jehovah's witnesses in the modern age, there would be an apostasy by the leaders which has happened.
7. Understand who Babylon the Great really is and why.
BTG is linked to the "Mysteries" and Freemasonry and the Illuminati. The same kind of thing that fostered the pyramidology of Russell and his being buried with all that pagan symbolism. This corrupts the WTS and becomes part of their apostasy. That's why Revelation finally says: "Get out of her MY people" because the WTS eventually becomes an arm of BTG, Freemasonry and the Illuminati as some clearly claim. BTG is destroyed by the UN, which it rides previously. They are easily identified as the secret socities behind the CFR, Council of 300, Bilderberger group, etc. These will be destroyed by the UN and when it does it will destroy Christianity and the WTS along with it and all other organized religion, clearly corrupted by underground interests. WHY? It is called BTG because the traditions of these secret societies link back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. It is worship of Satanism.
YOU TUBE JW connection to Freemasonry and Illuminati:
8. What the unclean expressions are and who they really gather together. Who the drunkards are and what it means to eat and drink with them.
I don't know specifically since this is still future. But obviously opposers to God's kingdom. But a hint might be those who drink from the cup of Babylon the Great and become drunk by her. This would include the GB of the WTS.
9. What Satan's unrighteous deception is and how extremely successful it's been.
I'm not sure of what reference this is, but BTG is successful in deceiving the whole world. Satan disgorges a river to drown the saints but is unsuccessful because of ther faith in the Bible, the "earth", which swallows up the propaganda. But obviously, it would drown others easily who do not have such faith in scripture.
10. See the way to real understanding of the bible
11. What the seven headed wild beast represents.
Which 7-headed beast. The 666-Beast represents Christendom and it's trinity doctrine, the Christian world. One head that receives a death stroke and revises represents Natsie Germany which was defeated in WWII then came back to a viable nation again, now with the strongest economy in Europe I believe.
12. Understand a sacred secret.
There are many sacred secrets.
13. Which head received the death-stroke.
Again, a reference to Natsie Germany in WWII being defeated but then making a full recovery.
Who the 10 kings are.They represent the collective world power elements associated with Christendom.
15. Why the 10 kings do not yet have a kingdom.
Hmmm. Suggests they give their authority of independent rule to the wild beast. They are only ruling by permission.
16. How they give their power to the wild beast.
This means they submit to the wishes of the wild beast, representing Christendom.
17. What the name of the wild beast is.
The "name" of the beast is the conversion of the number 666 to "KayKayKay". You add the sixes to get 18. Then you apply the "three yet one" formula from the trinity doctrine. "three gods, yet one god" = three numbers yet one number. So instead of increasing 18 by 3 you increase it by 1 to get 19. Then go to Psalms 111 and find out the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet which is Kopth. Replace the three sixes with the three K's and you get: KayKayKay. That means Christendom is considered a racist organization in the modern world and a primarily white organization, obviously. Both check out. Christian Europeans are known for their racist policies world wide. They think they are better than anybody of color and look down on race mixing.
18. Why it's a man's number.
Because it represents a certain group of men, the Causian Christians.
19. Where to find the information to calculate the number.
The "one with insight" has to calculate the number. You use a combination of the numbers to come up with a single number that is substituted for a ltter that spells out the name (see above). The beast represents Christendom, which is the white man's religion, basically. Jesus preached brotherhood, but Christian European society as a whole remain focussed on race, sometimes carried to the extreme like during WWII where Christian Germans actually built gas chambers and crematorians for the extermination of humans simply based on race. Not very Christian of them. They are called "Gog of Magog" as well, linking them to the white descendants of Noah's eldest son, Japeth. This recurs again after the millennium when "Gog of Magog" (Natsies) rise against Christ and the anointed after being influenced by Satan.
20. Why the number really is 666.
It really is 666 because the substitute letters for the "name" xKKKx gives it a modern name of relevance, that is, Christendom being a predominanly white religion that maintains racist policies though preaching brotherhood. Thus the "mark" of the beast is related to racist views. Either in the hand, meaning an actual practice of racist policies, or in the forehead, meaning a belief in the superiority of race. Racial politics comes into play for "buying and selling" since whites prefer to trade with themselves first but distrust non-whites/non-Christians. In the movie "Rising Sun" this was addressed, where a policity for no foreign-owned radio stations was imposed on the Japanese, only to be waived when Canadians sought to buy, etc. In the US, government policy is consistently underscoring how racist the white culture is by rules for "Equal Employment", "Equal Housing" and even Affirmative Action. But WHY? Why all these laws in a Christian nation? It's because of how effective racism works, and how if no rules are made, it would exterminate and trample down all but other whites. That's why the beast is said to trample down the lowly ones. Unfortunately, as a result, it is suggests that whites will in particular have a limited representation in the kingdom. It is likely that the expression, "It is more difficult for a RICH MAN to enter the kingdom than a camel through the eye of the needle" is a general reference to the white man as the "rich man." And we can see that. The most advanced culture, the greatest nations are white, and they are considered RICH. It's unfortunate, but it's part of the "collateral serpent tax" I suppose. The "serpent tax" is a reference to what happened in Eden, where the snake, an otherwise innocent bystander was used by Satan to help deceive Eve. It was punished. Seem unfair? It's like when a pony throws a child and kills the child. They can't bear to suffer the pony any longer and often will execute the pony.
White Europeans, likewise, will suffer some of this "collateral serpent tax" in the final tally, since no one can enter into the kingdom who has been marked by the beast, that is, who has in the least any racist concepts. They have to be "virgins" in that regard. Even the design of the second coming event strongly suggests Gods intent to exclude any whites who have bought into the racial superiority doctrine at any level.
Ironically, secret socities believing in the "serpentine" race link that to whites and their apparent superior intellect and achievements. But that is just a cover for the link with Satanism, who is the original serpent in Eden and considered the mother goddess in particular to whites. So all that backfires. The "mark of the beast" that ends up controlling world commerce and who buys and sells, etc. is reference to white racism concepts. It is seen as the "disgusting thing" in God's eyes, and it is what causes "desolation" of the holy place, i.e. the Holocaust that destroys the Jews (the holy ones) in WWII.
Well, I answered most of them. Hope that helps!