It is looking more and more like the fall elections will be a showdown between McCain and Hillary [perhaps Obama can hold on and beat her, but I doubt it at this point].
by AK - Jeff 10 Replies latest social current
It is looking more and more like the fall elections will be a showdown between McCain and Hillary [perhaps Obama can hold on and beat her, but I doubt it at this point].
Obama is FAR from out of the race. After Super Tuesday (2/5), things may get closer to resolution ... or not.
As far as the Republicans go, McCain is starting to (finally) separate himself from the pack (mainly due to his big win in Florida). Romney has ceded the northeast states to him (except Massachusetts) for Super Tuesday, and is hoping for really good showings elsewhere. I think Super Tuesday might realistically spell the end for Romney.
If Hilary doesn't pull far ahead of Barack, it will be something else at their convention.
They would ultimately decide who will run and make the other the VP.
Hilary would never be his VP, but the other way around could happen.
If she pulls far enough ahead of him this week, he will just be one of several
running mates to consider, but I could still see her pick him.
Hillary and Obama put on quite a good show last night..A debate on CNN.......Salt and Peppa!..LOL!!.."The Dream Team".......Who ever wins, should get the other to work with them.....OUTLAW
Without much discussion that Mitt Romney is in a mind-control cult that is
(IMO) worse than the JW's, America will pretty much say NO THANKS.
AH yes. Winnowing the wheat from the chaff.
Interesting how the finalists in both parties are essentially clones.
All are liberal. Both parties have a contest going between a Washington insider who is being challenged by an "outsider" who is campaigning on a platform of "kick the old guy out if you want things to change." Nobody has the guts to articulate a clear vision for the future. And all are playing dirty pool while trying to place the blame on the other fellow for the lack of morals being thus displayed.
The only certainty here is that the electorate is the real loser since the there will be no real difference in the nominees presented to choose from (race or gender is irrelevant).
Super Tuesday has arrived. The polls will begin to open on the east coast states soon.
The GOP will have a clear candidate by the end of day, IMO - likely Mr McCain. Most of the states are winner take all for them.
The DEMS will be in a dead heat all day and likely at the end of day. For them, the delegates are not winner take all in most the states. Hillary and Obama will be the two left standing for them.
Three horses remain in the race by the end of day likely. Goodbye Mr Romney and Mr Huckabee.
Since Fred Thompson is still on the ballot here, I wonder which candidate he will siphon the most votes from? I'm hoping Romney.
Update: As of now, Romney has dropped out of the race. However, Ron Paul is still officially in (unfortunately, he seems so far behind that he might as well call it a loss for our freedom and a huge victory for the medical tyranny and the drug companies controlling it). McCain has the best shot at getting nominated at this point.
On the democratic front, Obama is still in the running. Which is good. I don't know what Obama is going to do, but I know that Clinton is going to make health insurance mandatory and start garnishing people that do not purchase it. That will, in turn, force us to accept allopathic medicine exclusively, whether we need or want it or not (allopathic medicine is great for crisis situations but wretched for maintaining one's health). I do not want that--if it came down to that, I would rather have another war with Iraq than a war against alternative medicine being an option or to be used in conjunction with regular medicine.