Crackdown on "sisters" volunteering at DCs

by dozy 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    Can you imagine what affect this is going to have on that VOLUNTEER SPIRIT!! After all, isn' t the entire convention arrangement based on VOLUNTEERS? Perhaps the sisters will just say CRAP! and then you'll see brothers cleaning up all the nasty stuff in the women's bathrooms. It takes a strong sister to clean up after another.

    What about the contribution boxes??? They sit there faithfully, smiling, gaurding the box. Shouldn't perhaps a strong male be doing that?? There is a considerable amount of responsibilty invloved in gaurding god's assets, isn't there? After all, Sisters aren't assigned as the treasurer in the cong. are they??

    This org is full of power hungry males that are constantly throwing their BIBLE based weight around. I have known many sisters that were eager to have ANY share in the org other than what was denied to them at the local level.


  • blondie

    Women don't work in parking/traffic here. There was a shortage of mike handlers and the CO said that if necessary, the elders would do it rather than use sisters. Part of the issue seems to be they should be grooming more men to be qualified and to volunteer rather than use women.


  • momzcrazy

    The only thing the sisters did here was clean and watch the contribution boxes. My late BIL was in charge of parking, no sisters, or "hens" as he called them, there. They really are becoming strict in the total control areas. But I am free, thank whoever almighty I am free!


  • tijkmo

    my b.i.l. took over as attendant captain in my stand at perth convention when i was 'unable to serve'...this is the same convention dozy attends.

    he uses sisters because he doesn't have enough volunteering bros..but he has been unofficially told not i guess he has been officially told.

    since i left it is now necessary for captains to have a book with times for attendants to be in position and they have to sign in and out and records have to be kept for several years. to be fair this is not org criteria but stewarding rules from british government or perhaps eec regulations.

    but i work in security at gigs and sporting events and plenty of women do it..and the men have to follow instructions or they are the sisters not being used would appear to be a jw regulation.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    And this is all the GB has to fret over? I mean, how detached from the real world are they, really?

  • megaflower

    Just Another Notch In The Belt Of The He Man Women Haters Club.

    I Hope This Wakes Some Women UP And They Learn To Stand Up For Themselves And See What A Farce The Whole Organization Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • OnTheWayOut
    sisters are no longer to be used as volunteers in Parking and Security / Watchman departments

    Watching- They think this is a dangerous job that women shouldn't do.
    You watch. If something happens, you call 911 or the appropriate people.
    You don't do anything.

    Parking- you are directing brothers all day. Granted, it's just directing
    them to parking spaces or the exit.

    This move will put a huge burden on the DCs in my area

    Good. That's because they are so paranoid that they need a million attendents and
    watches and stuff. All they really need is the bathroom cleaners after lunch and
    at the end of the day, a few attendents (people know how to seat themselves).
    Brothers want to give all the good jobs to brothers so they can get up during the
    sessions instead of sitting there listening to all that boring talking from the platform.

  • OnTheWayOut
    There was a shortage of mike handlers and the CO said that if necessary, the elders would do it rather than use sisters.

    So mike handling is beneath elders but above sisters. What an insult that always was.

    Why was I one of these goofy believers?

  • AlyMC
  • AlyMC


    I grew up primarily going to the Pontiac Silverdome in MI and I don't remember ever seeing sisters directing traffic, but I just can't believe this is actually a legitimate concern of the WTS.

    Their stance on feminism being the root of all evil is one of the first things that pissed me off, and why having daughters is what finally sent me seeking an alternative. What pinheads.

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